Will Parry

There is also already a free (as in completely free) Stranger Things phone app game that mimics the graphics and gameplay of an original NES game. It’s pretty great. Here’s a link for the Android version:

That movie, and this conspiracy theory, remind me of a reverse telling of The Philadelphia Experiment: The Final Countdown, in which an aircraft carrier from 1980 travels back in time to 1941, a day before the Pearl Harbor attack.

She certainly had a huge role to play in the comic version.

How can we build a magical sky box that sits in your pocket, connects to all of the world’s knowledge, *and* plays games but we can’t cure cancer?


Skinner apparantly went to the Prometheus school of running away from things.

I dunno, they deny Del Toro a third Hellboy movie and he takes a minor character from that series (I don’t want to hear it, the river God is undeniably Abe Sapien, you only need eyes to figure out that much) and makes an Oscar winning movie. They deny him a sequel to Pacific Rim and ... they proceed to make a crap

Does one of the robots have a secret weapon that they inexplicably don’t use for half the movie?

Season 2 was put on hold to shoot The Defenders.

thats been going on for years.

Five episodes were made available for review, so that’s all that they could watch to write a review before the whole thing’s released. (And Netflix chooses what to make available, so they’re probably going to try to choose a block that works to their advantage.)

My favorite pick in a while. The slowest of burns, but so rich and so good.

Do you know what killed the dinosaurs? Jurassic Park 3.

One of my favorite book going right now. There has been a lot of build up but I’ve really been enjoying the new takes on the old Wildstorm universe.

THe effect is common, but for them to have the same visual lay out, colors and textures?

Agreed. This may be my new favorite, it’s from the final confrontation in The Last Jedi. So amazing, captured the energy and the dread and the sense of climax perfectly.

I’ve thought a lot about his ability to keep doing these.

Best Star Trek *period*

She had this great scene with Walt. I had forgotten all about it but I had to look it up after this episode. https://youtu.be/O6LzaoGBeqE