
The relationship between Root and Shaw was perfectly explored in this episode: Shaw's thematic statement ("I do the protecting!") pitted against Root's desire to keep her safe, and more specifically keep Team Machine safe, was a beautiful interaction. Time and time again the writers have convinced me that they can

The best thing about this episode, I thought, was the build up to Martine finding Shaw. Her use of human connections, and her reveal of her past identity, all hung very well together, and showed us the unique weakness of team machine. Although the show showed us the dangerous consequences in living with human

I was really disappointed by this week's episode; their attempt to make Tripp relevant was genuinely awful, especially since at the end of the last season he was such a focal character. Also, their treatment of both Bobbi and Jemma's individual story lines is looking pitifully predictable and I'm really worried this

totally agree with the Ward thing; I was really pleased with Coulson's "you're never going to be on my team again" speech, and also how no one is taking his "I ONLY TALK TO SKYE" shit

I genuinely /groaned/ at the cliche Bobbi/Lance dialogue, which I really believe we could have gone without? The diaglogue was cliche and ripped from any simplistic sitcom, with no character nuances and only incredibly predicatable dialogue? I love Bobbi a LOT and I'm getting very frustrated that they're forcing her

Really all I want to talk about is HOW INTO BOBBI SIMMONS WAS like yes Fitz may be a cool character for bisexuality but anyone who tries to tell me that Simmons is straight CLEARLY DIDN'T SEE HER NEARLY FAINT when Bobbi said "call me Bobbi." Also, totally agree; wish we were doing more Hydra. My favorite thing about

This episode was just SO AMAZING because it reflects the show's preparedness to meet complex issue with complex characters. The fact that for the first time we saw nearly fifty faulty iterations of the machine was the first time I really felt the show delve into the complexity of its own premise, and I totally agree

Super important comment: "Kiss Kiss to you too". too much fanservice??? don't even CARE