Willow Anne

The amount of saliva that is transferred to someone’s plate from their silverware is miniscule.

Lol. If you don’t think that the plates, cups, and the silverware handles have the exact same germs on them as the parts that go into people’s mouths, I have that bridge too far to sale you.

Slightly related story. I was a crap server so I found my high school/college self on the retail side. One time I walked into a dressing room to clean up and someone had taken a shit in a pair of pants and left there. Humans are garbage. Never forget it.

I mostly agree with Salty’s saltiness here, except that I don’t think that wrapping a used tissue in a clean paper napkin (or five) is such a terrible solution, though using a pocket until you can find an appropriate receptacle is better.

I’ve long wished for a restaurant with a little trash can at every table.

I agree with Salty on general principle, and i am not a doctor nor do i play one on tv, but my take is that any paper or cloth napkin that was in contact with a diner’s face and hands is likely to be infested with whatever dreaded lurgy microbe bacterial viral nanite alien demonseed crap is lurking in their snot.

Wait what? So out of all the other gross stuff that has to be picked up off the table, a snot rag is a bridge too far? Are you worried about getting sick? Because if there was a sick customer at the table, pretty much everything that person touched is contaminated. You should start wearing gloves when you bus tables

I feel like everyone is forgetting allergies. You don’t just blow your nose a lot when you’re sick, y’know, and people with lots of allergies want to go out to eat, too. If you’re one of those people, and you get up and go all the way to the bathroom every time you need to clear your nose, you won’t ever eat. (sauce:

If I’m so sick that my tissues are full of radioactive waste, I won’t be out in public, of course.

Most sit down restaurants? There’s certainly trash in the back of house, but most non-fast food restaurants don’t keep their trash in the dining space.

in soviet russia, content clicks you

I’m not a fan of the Eagles so I may be way off base on this, but it seems like they have one absolute ass-kicking nearly every single year. The Saints last year and the Cowboys this year. The Bengals two years before that. One game where they get blown off the field.

“With the whole country watching them...”

So, who is our historical comparison point to Carson Wentz?  Who is he?  I mean he’s really talented.  He seems like a good guy.  But it is clear his team hates him and won’t work with him.  I lean towards Jeff George?  Is that fair?

“I’m going to look hard in the next couple of days but we’ve got the guys in the locker room to get it fixed.” - Carson Wentz, consulting with trainers after falling for the “Cialis in the water bottle” trick once again. 

You don’t enjoy the soothing tones of J.K Simmons with Burt and Ernie selling insurance every time you click on a blog?

They need to PIVOT away from video faster and harder.

glad it isn’t just me. These autoplay videos are obnoxious, especially when I have one embedded within the article and one on the side, and both are playing at the same time. Get it together gizmodo media/vulture capital overlords


Another interesting aspect of this staff meal question was that, as a front-of-house worker, you were never to be seen eating while working, sneaking some food here and there, for whatever reason, in whatever fashion. It was big trouble if you got caught. The only exception was when the cooks/chefs would introduce a