Willoughby IV

well, at worst people could still set up comment threads about these shows in Wot, or on a similar show that's on in the same night. Warehouse 13 comments were kept alive and well on Alphas for two years.

(Sean O'Neal heroically tries to save us from Todd, but gets turned into a joe carroll-in-the-box)

"In Peter's defense, nobody in the Heroes universe seems to be able how to figure out how to make the ability to READ PEOPLE'S MINDS useful."

haha yeah, who wrote that as an arc and thought it was comedy gold? I mostly meant the support staff, who barely get any lines now that they added Adam Pally to the background.

Another episode of guest starts, another episode where half the cast is given nothing to do. I feel bad for them.

somewhat, though I've never seen the show, I also learned what I did from tvtropes/pop culture osmosis

Actually… yes. Though Kennex's character would work so much better if he was a once frozen man from the past.

I'm actually curious about this, I don't follow the comics. This is set contemporary to Avengers right?

That's a terrible decision. Do they think that America wont relate to a hot scottish girl?

Is she Scottish in this one? What's the point otherwise

would be great, but I doubt it. I would love it though if the answer to the mystery behind the hospital child's memory turned out to be that this entire series has taken place in the mind of a kid who's been watching a sy-fy channel marathon after a tonsillectomy

I would label a faulty android as "dangerous". Especially one that are labeled "crazy" by the public opinion. I can't imagine the company selling off emotionally crazy robots as home security, I doubt anyone would buy them. I think they'd be too worried DRN's might snap and attack them or something.

Maybe this futuristic place is called Silent Hill.

"What would they report? And to whom?"

That might be interesting, I'm just wary from V's terribly asinine plot of "harvesting the human soul"

Very much agree on the smart house stuff being an interesting premise that was mostly squandered. I'm a little iffy on some of the details of this episode if anyone cares to answer (I was doing dishes during the ep).

Fringe's first season is easily a step above. I rewatched a little while back and I was surprised it was better than I remembered it.

There is definitely potential. It's pretty frustrating really. All the pieces are there just lying around, but it's being very blandly mishandled. Great cast and effects, but the writing feels very amateurish.

An anatomically correct Micheal Ealy bot in every home? Yowza

Eh, I wouldn't go as far as "great" interplay. It's fun and good, and maybe it's been the seriously messed up schedule, but throughout the series it's been pretty schizophrenic and usually reserved for comedic beats. It's been rarely used for anything of note.