
It was just a place for the slaves to throw their empty beer cans.

The keyboard didn't look too ergonomic. I prefer it to be more tradionally staggered.

i think they're tormenting a box of slinkies.

@Pininfarina: You broke your spiro-graph

@EADG: They should have named it Micro phone

I like when he quoted "We use our lovers", or something like that.

All those years trying to stockpile some vacation time.....damn

@Drummertist: I, like you, feel the same way. I also have the original iphone & a mac.

@Jacksonville12: Read the very 1st line of the article. They are making NO claims.

I still have a 35 year old panasonic digital clock from panasonic. This was from when digital clocks first hit the marketplace.

@klamerus: too bad its so goddamned

@Jyosua: Whatever the hell that is, its melting!

@AndrosZ: If you are happy (assuming you have the iphone 4), then I'm happy for you.

@Willobis: forgot the word "what" between "when they" and my period.

@Americanitis: Mine is "loose" as in not tight, when they meant was lose, as in a loss

@Drummertist: I second that......wait u already did.

@AndrosZ: Using Apple perfectly exemplifies the point of this article.