So, Dame Judy Brunch is coming back later in the season right?
So, Dame Judy Brunch is coming back later in the season right?
I’m interested to see how the next few episodes go. The premise is solid as is the cast. Pilots are never that great (with a couple major exceptions) and shows with good pilots don’t always make great series (think “Awake” and “Studio 60", two of the best pilots I’ve ever seen).
I honestly think the show should address this head-on next season. Have an entire planet that worships Rick and has based their entire society on Rick’s actions, but a complete misunderstanding of the pain associated with it. Morty and Summer visit this place and try to explain to them why Rick shouldn’t be worshiped…
I mean, that can be explained by not being familiar with Duel. Not sure that is the explanation, but I sometimes miss pop culture references. I didn’t realize that Cartman’s song was a direct parody (and when I did and heard the original song, I actually felt worse about the episode, to be honest).
Oh, it totally made sense for his character, but it was also nice to see him, after years of abuse, get appreciation. Plus it all being set into motion by Donna was all the more special.
I’d put the collection of Notre Dame, Butler, Indiana, Purdue, Rose-Hulman, Ball State, Valparaiso, and DePauw pretty high and diverse, especially for a state of Indiana’s size.
At least the show did right by Gerry.
I mean, there’s some good colleges.
Yeah, it was clearly the best part of the entire episode, and the reviewer completely missed the point. The entire episode was a setup for that punchline, and the reviewer didn’t understand the joke.
The best part is what he does with the money when he wins.
This story made me feel odd.
I still think every future Coen Brothers comedy should end with J.K. Simmons and David Rasche recapping the movie with Rasche calmly explaining the absurd events of the film to an increasingly incredulous J.K. Simmons.
I maintain that Clerks: The Animated Series is the most creative Kevin Smith has ever been.
Indeed. It’s one thing to complain about Trevorrow being handed the job originally. It’s another to complain now when J.J. Abrams is being handed the reins. They understandably (after Edwards, Lord and Miller and now Trevorrow) are looking for something specific, and they know J.J. Abrams can deliver it.
There is something to be said for being able to build a story where you know the ending and still making it compelling television. That’s the problem with television comedy, even dark television comedy. You generally know approximately where the story is going to end because there are only some many ending points you…
I really wanted this to be true.
He actually had only one start. The other attempt he DNQ’d because he was so slow (and bad) that A.J. Foyt rolled out a backup car and called a driver who hadn’t driven in months to drive his car. The driver was supposedly at Kids R Us when got the call.
Foyt, of course, hates Arie and that probably motivated it some.…
He’s a former IndyCar driver, having made one start in the 2006 Indianapolis 500. He never came close to even testing a Formula 1 car.
No, it was all bad! Ohhohohohohoho!
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