Will McAvoy

The horror.

Jonah Hill ducks.


Most of Season 1 isn't that good.

That's simply false. It may not be fantastic, but it's a good program now.

Oh, sure. But while auto racing on a whole is on a down-swing, IndyCar has been improving—especially when it comes to track attendance.

Sold out last year, nearly sold out this year. The race has recovered. With Alonso's trip over, lots of potential for growth

So, not one mention that Cooper encounters an actual owl?

You are being watched. The government has a system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. But it only knows how to play 'Go.'

A lesser sitcom would have had the plot revolve around the fact that it was a gay pride parade and make that be the conflict. Instead, here we just have that be a piece of background that no one comments on in any way.

Somehow David Lynch took the most photographed city in the world and managed to find a way to create an establishing shot that was somehow new, beautiful and haunting all at once. That establishing shot of Manhattan was something else.

Bobby had the advantage of occasionally getting to play against Don S. Davis, who was one of the best things about the original show.

If you said James, you are wrong. He was never cool.

"You are right." - Donald Trump.

I, for one, am hoping that this casting means it's actually going to be a prequel to Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego.

Well… bye.


Well, they're dropping John Hannah.

No, bring back Tripp.

I read this in the "Not a Doctor" voice from the end credits.