Will McAvoy

Ha. Wife.

If there's one thing you should know in the A.V. Club comments section, it's how to properly and correctly quote The Simpsons episode "Marge Vs. The Monorail."



I know. Which is why I asked if it was actually a NewsRadio reference.

Is…. Is that a NewsRadio reference?

I mean, some of their hints are pretty obvious, but yes, I agree.

Magicians are super-cheesy. My favorite acts are the ones who come on with one trick and one trick only. But I also understand the appeal of someone like Shin Lim, who has great presentation and does a ton of tricks in succession.

I can saw a woman in two…
but you won't want to look in the box when I'm through…
I can make love disappear…
for my next trick I need a volunteer.

I mean, they're only going to reveal stuff that's either ancient (cup and balls) or easy for anyone to figure out.

Penn himself has actually said as much about one of the acts on the show: Kostya Kimlat. Kimlat fooled Penn and Teller, much to Penn's (feigned) chagrin and Teller's delight. When Penn found out how Kimlat did the trick, he was even more impressed than when he was fooled. He said the method was so ingenious (and

You should be able to find Mario Kart 64 for somewhere between $10 and $20.

That was amazing

The show is only able to use some Disney characters. They do not, for example, have access to Mickey Mouse.

He's basically a Scottish Trump.

That said, I'm concerned about the absence of Magica De Spell.


It's a duck blur.

Me too.

Sadly, without ever covering "All Summer Long", the only song deserving of such a treatment.