The Denver real estate market does not allow that to happen. With kids, there’s also likely a partner or wife for who it doesn’t make sense to move.
The Denver real estate market does not allow that to happen. With kids, there’s also likely a partner or wife for who it doesn’t make sense to move.
Yet further proof [as if it was necessary] that money ≠ taste... or brains... or common sense. Something like this does not impress me, it only make me realize how much a waste of oxygen some people are. Though on a positive note, they deserve to be parted with their money and someone else got a job off of it... So…
has there ever been a time that anyone has ever said, now is a great time to build a huge transportation project-everything is so cheap...Nope.
Prendergast finds it frustrating that there’s money and political backing to study a non-existent transportation system but not to buy new trains or run them more often.
You need to get out more. In Europe I traveled between countries almost exclusively by train and it was frustratingly simple.
Trains would make a lot of sense if America had better trains
Is anyone going to give an answer to the comments not being navigable anymore? Is this permanent or a temporary Kinja glitch? It’s been multiple days and I can’t find replies/quotes/etc without scrolling through endless comment threads
This really seems like more of a Cincinnati idea.
We can’t even build pipelines currently that don’t occasionally spill their contents all over the place, so making a hundreds of miles long sealed and depressurized tube network should be easy, right?!
Hmm. I wonder how much of the price of traditional car rental goes toward maintaining staff and a central facility and, in the case of airports, their share of a shuttle bus.
You leave Flight of the Navigator out of this!
Shut up pedo guy. AND I CAN LEGALLY SAY THAT NOW! - Elon.
The EV1 had a 17kwh battery though. It's not the short range that's disappointing, it's the really crappy efficiency.
So he should just turn over a new Leaf every 100 miles?
No - you just park the leaf’s along your way. So for example if you commonly drive from LA to Seattle, you park a leaf at a charging station every 100 miles. No waiting! Just swap your leafs at each point along the way. And if you’re crafty - only register and title one of them and swap the plates as you go! And you…