
Seems to me they're just afraid of phone cameras slowly rendering point and shoot cameras obsolete. Which is totally happening. There's definitely still a place for a nice dslr, but most casual photography, and even some non-casual photography can easily be done with a phone these days.

Pretty much. For "typical listening", an iPhone, or any decent smartphone covers the music player thing nicely. But, the iPod Nano (and Shuffle) still have much purpose, because they're so small. I use my Nano mainly for working out and running. I used to use an iPod Classic for those purposes... never again. The

Sony's definitely getting better again. I like what they're doing these days. That Vaio Z looks glorious. If I didn't prefer Macs, I'd grab one of those in a heartbeat. I have to wonder how well they'll sell, though. I'm the sort of person willing to pay more for a laptop that will last longer, and truly excel at

If I wanted a laptop to run Windows or Linux on, this would be my first choice. This thing looks seriously cool.

I'm convinced I'm extremely weird now. You describe WP7 as the "my first smartphone" OS. I'd describe it as the most confusing mobile OS I've ever used. I still use a Symbian phone, and I had no problems figuring out how to use it. I can pick up a friend's iPhone or Android phone and instantly do absolutely anything

I've noticed that as well. My dad got a current gen Macbook Air when it was released. I showed him how to use expose, but he never uses it. Honestly, he doesn't really need to... he rarely has enough windows open to justify it. I, on the other hand, use it constantly. It's my primary method for switching between

Interesting take. I'll have to see what I think when I get my hands on it (maybe at an Apple store first). The points of frustration brought up, however, I generally don't agree with. Making OS X the OS for "95% of people"... eh. That seems like more of a job for iOS. I'd rather see iOS get more powerful (which it

I had one in about 2003. This was when you could actually transfer content over USB, so it did effectively function as an mp3 player. It was actually my second "mp3" player. The first one, an Iomega Hip Zip, was pretty much crap in comparison. This thing held a good few albums per disc (as opposed to one on the Hip

I'd agree with this. I played with an Xperia Arc at Futureshop a few days ago. The interface was pretty damn good. Definitely the best Android overlay I've experienced. And, honestly, I liked it more than the Nexus S they had nearby. Touchwiz though... could be better.

Cool. I really like what I've seen. I'll likely upgrade immediately. I don't really rely on any old software, so I don't foresee any major complications.

Bit lame, but at least it's HIS footage. It's not like he stole it from someone else.

Honestly, mostly just iPod/phone stuff, my camera, and USB drives. My Macbook only has 2 USB ports, but 99% of the time, both are unused. USB is great, don't get me wrong. But I just don't use it as much as other people seem to.

Beat both... pretty much within a few days of its release. Haven't played since, though. Co-op is fun once, but there isn't much point to playing through it again. You either play with someone else, at which point you're annoyed at how slow they are and they're annoyed that they don't get to do any solving. Or, you

So, an HP product is acting like... an HP product. K.

Oh god, you're right. I'll just go kill myself now.

Seems pretty good. But, honestly, I doubt I'd use it. I don't use Facebook because it emphasizes quantity over quality. This seems to aim to change that with the circles thing. But... I can just as easily send an e-mail to my like 4 or 5 friends anyway.

These controllers have always felt right to me. It takes everything I liked about the SNES controller, but makes it way more comfortable and functional, while still retaining the perfect size for my hands.

I probably drink about 1-2 litres per year, on average (about half a gallon). Don't care for the stuff. Then again, I'm not American. Usually only drink it as a last resort. Water rules all. Especially carbonated water.

And that's exactly what I came in here to say. Well put!

I really struggle to make the mental leap between "manga", no matter how sexually explicit, and "child pornography". I always thought child pornography was principally disgusting and morally reprehensible because it actually directly harms the unfortunate children involved. Sexually explicit manga is still manga. It