
I recently sold my 1997 Jeep TJ online via Facebook. It was a bit of a trail Jeep, and I didn’t want to deal with explaining to a thousand craigslisters that the scratches wouldn’t be bringing the price down.  So, I just listed on the local Jeep parts group.  Prob took longer to sell, but I only had to do 3 test

The ritual is very simple.

This appears to have been fixed with the April 12th update. Is working for me now.

take a good long and unflinching look david, this is your ghost of christmas future... if you do not right your wicked jeep ways you too one day will find yourself living in denial, standing in the centre of a junkyard talking about your ‘car collection’

Yes they are, but no they won’t. The explosives in the ERA aren’t that sensitive for good reason: you don’t want them going off inadvertently. Only a sabot or EFP round will trigger them.