But, if you go here: http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals - you see a bunch of refurbished items in the right hand side, that aren't showing through the main navigation system.
But, if you go here: http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals - you see a bunch of refurbished items in the right hand side, that aren't showing through the main navigation system.
New Orleans, Only 3 models of mac showing. Is in the first featured window of the clearance section. No subnavigation links working in the clearance area.
Just installed, looks gorgeous.
Tank Man - [en.wikipedia.org]
The only caveat I'll make to my post is to restrict it to 'every flight out of our home airport MSY.' Return flights are usually just the same sort of FUD theatre we are all used to.
Except the basic thread of the title is false. My girlfriend gets totally grouped by male attendants everytime we fly, and they never grope me. They get their gollies off searching women, it is obvious and pervasive.
Watch the video, it covers that, there is a backlight
Actually, American is spread over two continents, know as the western hemisphere. If you check an English dictionary, you will see The United States of American, listed as a definition of America. Sort of like the way you say Argentina, instead of using the proper Argentine Republic, we use America, in english, as a…
"That stuff isn't free, you know. "
"There are problems, but no rule changes are necessary. In fact, negative reinforcement tends to make cops close ranks—that's counterproductive. "
Aggressive, putting your hand on your gun, and asking 'do I want to be arrested', when asked 'aren't you going to talk to the victim?' As the police leave the scene of a car/bicycle accident I witnessed, without ever going over and talking to the pedestrian. That was last week.
Actually we do care a lot about the good cops. I think the nature of the job is horrifying. But, the common place ,aggressive refusal to be questioned or reproached, makes things worse. Police reporting by the news has very little to do with my opinion of the police.
double post
You forgot: Honest normal folk who have the audacity to speak up after occasionally being victim to the manic abuses wrought by violent unrestrained cops. The atmosphere of privilege surrounding the police is insane.
I was fully aware of the geometry level non-exclusion of other races in your original comment. and of course -
Because the who thing with RFID being passed (2007ish) by government officials who promptly quit and switched to the RFID industry, and the eventual revelation that they had always (1990s) had tests showing the cancer causing nature, is old enough news that they are ready to push ahead again?
Maybe time to stop huffing on the rascist spray paint.
Naw, I have sent them through the washing machine, no harm done
Apple using built in Mail client:
@dixlexxik: I'm assuming the explosive force off the champagne clears the glass fragments.