
My parents only lived in Richmond for a couple years. And I only lived in Virginia for those four years of college.

Can’t make an omelete without breaking eggs.

Yes the blame lies entirely with the US, not with Saddam Hussein’s policies.

I grew up on a dairy farm too, and all our cows had names. The odd thing is, they all have to be 7 letters or less, because the name needs to fit on a form when the milk is being tested. We probably lost a lot of money because if a cow was friendly, we’d hang on to her long after she stopped producing milk, and

I sense some Jim Gaffigan in that comment. +1

Yes. VW leatherette is just fantastic - almost as good as MB-Tex, which I would argue is better than the real thing.

You should put that in the listing when you sell the car.

The local stuff is always the best. My family has a farm and the stuff we grow is always better than anything store bought, even when it had a name. At my high school graduation party we had a smoked lamb and you could hear it’s brothers and sisters down the drive way, mmm so tasty. The animals are literally raised to


I went to a wedding where there was no alcohol allowed. They toasted with sparkling grape juice.

Well duh, all expensive cars are 100% cow free. They use leather of Bulls because cows get stretch marks.

Your persecution complex is showing.

Wife has a white convertible with those wheels. Only reason I let her get it.

I’m not a huge fan of the Beetle, but I think this is a modern example of chrome working. They did break it up though with a painted outer portion.

My wife had Fox News on last night when she went to bed. The woman and her two guests repeatedly talked about how embarrassing it was and how these soldiers were forced to do things they didn’t want to do and that it was basically an act of war.

Would you mind citing where you found that? I came across plenty of IEDs in the field and plenty more in homes, trunks of cars, "bomb factories", etc. It was EXTREMELY rare to see NATO munitions. The vast majority of everything I personally saw was ex-Soviet munitions, and locally made munitions based on

' If a target is not identified by the Skeet to engage, the Skeet will self destruct while still high above the ground. If this fails, a backup timer disables the Skeet after landing on the ground..... Once the Skeet is made inert, it is extremely resistant to exploding via tampering.'