
I think it's encouraging that people who are financially comfortable place such an importance on education (and the status upgrade that comes with a bank of decent qualifications). You could argue that the 'new money' lot would see going to university as a complete waste of time.

That's great to hear. I love it when Americans don't consider getting a passport a filthy betrayal. I'll be driving around France this year and then down to Italy. I won't be treating it like a Top Gear challenge though, honest :)

When I saw the pic I thought this would be just another Arab bashing thread posted to make you guys feel better. But no, I was wrong. Strangely less bashing though and more of an 'acceptance' that some people are just more fortunate than others.

I love how a brown man with a black beard brings out the bigotry in people. And they say North Koreans are brain washed, take a look at yourselves.

Join us my friend. In the new world order we look forward, not back.

This is an example of both Crack Pipe & Nice Price.

Definitely Nice Price. I've seen 911's that aren't actually genuine factory RUF cars (but with genuine body panels fitted by RUF) sell for similar money. Sure it's fairly difficult to value, but given the provenance, I'd say it's a bargain.

Well I for one enjoyed it, even the scripted parts. Which for some reason is gathering a lot of criticism. To say Top Gear has never been scripted before now would be a little silly. Top Gear began scripted. Anyway, I enjoyed seeing Ray and Plan B (even though he's largely unknown outside of the UK).

That stunning 7.3 V12 was also in the SL73. One of which I saw on sale for around £20k last autumn, that didn't hang around long. Also saw another on Jameslist for £90k! Both low mile cars. Wish I had the spare change to pick one up, just for that work of art under the bonnet.

I was, erm, it's like...a twist on the Berlin's Most Wanted (BMW) song played in the clip. KIA was all I could think of :( Now that I re-read what I wrote, it was a mess. I apologize. I was going to write Killers In America, or something 'hip', but I thought people might take offense. Whadda I know!

"Those pesky A-rabs, besides all being enemy combatants in waiting, they drive around in cars they don't appreciate because they've been miraculously gifted oil from mother nature. A gift they're squandering on vulgar cars, lavish malls and trophy infrastructure that's in no way sustainable in a desert environment."

There's a Christian folk group in the US called Kentucky In America, or KIA. Strangely, they all drive Hyundai's.

I've seen this sort of thing around the Baltic states. BUT with no guns. Just hooning. Also in Estonia they drive around honking their horns and random people honk back or join the convoy. That probably happens in a lot of places, I've seen Romanians do that in London. :S

Haha, so true.

Yes, can you imagine what these Chechens shoot at. Road signs, telegraph poles, signal towers. Crazy bastards, destroying public property and endangering wildlife.

Chechnya will one day be free. Probably. I don't know. Anyway, I'd hate to be a cop in any part of Russia. It's a f*cked up job. Let alone in Grozny, working for Putins lapdog; Ramzan Kadyrov. Besides, they're celebrating and the video was bloody tame, apart from the AK, of course. :)

It will fail if TPTB use the media to help align F1 with socialism, terrorism and anti-semitism. America loves that kinda blind, paranoid hysteria, it'll make them do anything. If you manage that, killing F1 before it's even born will be easy.

It was an option. It let heat escape quicker from the engine bay.

I agree with your last sentence. And this might come as a surprise, but I feel that an increasing number of Muslims of both sexes, nationalities and races believe the same.

Laguna Seca Blue is nice, but for me it's got too much green in it. I prefer BMWs Santorini Blue.