
Do you really think Americans would be able to tell they're Sunni muslim? Do you even know that 8 out of 10 muslims on earth are Sunni and within Sunni muslims there are a myriad of beliefs and ideologies? How about the difference between Sunni and wahabi/takfiri muslims? Americans should have no problem with

According to BBC News, the plate in question has been on this car since 2001.

I can only tell you my experiences with three base spec VW group rental cars, all in manual TDI form and practically brand new. The first, a VW Golf, was as it should be. Well put together if a little predictable. The second, a Skoda Octavia, similarly well put together but because of lower expectations initially

The way to topple the UAE is to target the desalinization plants whilst simultaneously sinking an oil tanker off the coast. No coastline and no drinking water coupled with a mobile population and apathetic indigenous population and the results are a beautiful, chaotic, mass exodus. Utopia down. Not that anyone would

Just rip off the three actors Jaguar used for their British villain themed commercial. Tom Hiddleston would make a great Bond in a few years.

I'll be impressed when the leaders of Jordan etc. and Egypt completely open up Gaza and the West Bank. Until then, the powers that be in Israel are indeed crafty and unbelievably evil in nature. Don't confuse this with Judaism or anything antisemitic. That unconvincing argument is stale and pathetic.

This is where fixed term democracy infuriates me. What do you do if the person you voted in (for stability more than anything), doesn't walk the walk after talking the talk? Morsi is just another extremist puppet who's sole purpose is to keep the US/Israel happy in return for favors and staying in power.

I personally think it's silly but rules iz rules and in the UK they like absolute transparency. In any case you're never going to want 200hp for more than 20 seconds unless you're on a highway racing in a straight line for a looooong time. Which is not what this car is about. The step change in output probably

Same engine, same horse power. Different rules regarding advertising the engine output, hence Ford US are allowed to say it has 200hp but in the UK you can't as it's not 200hp all of the time, it's 180hp with 20hp over boost for X number of seconds. The US car probably weighs more if you want to find a difference

Really hope they get this ready by the end of the year, loved the series...played it since the old Dreamcast days.

I believe the city is Prague. They drive along Charles Bridge and the two towers of the Tyn Church feature in the background. I love city racing a la Project Gotham Racing so I'm pretty excited about this!

Not forgetting the GILF over Hammond's left shoulder trying to get Jeremy's attention with lots of eye contact and sultry looks.

Still waiting for the 'hilarious' bit of the story. Anyway, it's not a total loss if this E30 is stripped of it's parts so that others may live.

It's a £30k car. So you're right, there's no need to bitch about it. The interior looks a little cheap and shabby, but then it's not £80k! For the money I'd have one in a heartbeat.

I feel I should qualify my response by saying I actually like the car, but don't believe for a single second that the interior is superior to that of the 991 and R8, this is a claim made by Chevrolet as a result of many, many 'internal' consumer polls. And the longer I stare at the switchgear on the dash, the worse I

An omen of things to come...?

Welcome to the 90's. World car my arse, they didn't even factor in the possibility of a RHD variant. So now they're going to spend the next two years (est. 2015) figuring out whether they can be bothered to find a way of moving the steering wheel over to the other side. You oh so clever engineers, show you actually

Or....the E62. I wouldn't say no to either one! I've been thinking of the possibility of getting my hands on a ropey E500/500E, replacing the rear bench with a 3 seater and then installing an LPG kit (CNG) to make it ever so slightly cheaper to run. The V8 should be fine.

E60 with electric leather Recaro seats.

The new colour is Estoril 2 and is ever so slightly darker, taking it close to monte carlo blue.