
“I find this site to be somewhat liberal I ask that you read this carefully and think about who told all this crap...cause you didn’t come up with it , you were told what to think....”

I get paid very handsomely to think, actually. It rules!

I also have no problem with the show. I simply won’t watch it.

The motivation behind it is that people are sick of being lectured at and told they are racist, constantly.

Chris Rock has tens of millions of dollars. His life is better than literally everyone you’ve ever met or will ever meet.

Don’t you love the way the left eats its own? I would, if it weren’t so bad for the rest of us. It’s ridiculous. Everything immediately turns into a weird purity test.

He did. It was his show. Not hers. People paid to see him. They did not pay to see her. He has an obligation to perform for the audience that paid to see him. She was a pest.

Are you familiar with comedy? Have you seen how comedians treat hecklers?

Wasn’t it actually an anti-old latinx joke? He was basically saying he grew up with racists.

Jordan Peterson has an awesome take on this. Check him out!

Have you ever met one of these people in real life? I don’t think I have, thankfully. And I live in a metropolitan area!

Depends on the anarchist. Anarchists who are driven by the non-aggression principle? Sure.

dead-on balls accurate!

SJW: moron.

Liberals have an opportunity here to actually crush the GOP. They just need to become actual, classical, liberals. Defend free speech. All of it. Every harsh word. And beat every moron down with logic, not violence. Economically, stand-up for middle America. Fight hard to lower taxes on the poor and middle

Speaking of, Sessions being sworn in on National Pizza Day sure is fun!

I’m white. I have a decent amount of money. I would trade places with Rock in a heartbeat. He’s making a joke. It isn’t supposed to be taken literally.

The loudest screeching about white male privilege almost always comes from weak white men, or lesbian white women. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black person really dig into someone the way screeching retarded white leftists do.

Wtf is “societal power, ” and how do you measure it and it’s impact?

“Good god, why do you think poverty is so endemic in that population? “