
“ it literally knocked my breath out.”

In a week, no one will remember this.

Maybe he wants someone so stupid, so prone to errors, to become prominent in the opposition party

She’s got a home worth millions of dollars and lied about her ethnicity, effectively stealing opportunities from native americans.

She’s a lunatic. I’m sure they all just roll their eyes at her and wait for chances to troll her.

I’m sure this temper tantrum will be effective, politically!

Turn the land into something useful?

lol this goofy bitch won’t even hold her senate seat when she’s up for re-election.

Nancy Pelosi has been showing us this week.

“I am a public school teacher. I am sitting at my desk, which is in a classroom in a public school full of minorities and SpEd students, and I am weeping”

Meh, fuck this bitch and her pedo crew.

I’m just happy that Sessions will go after the crooks and pedos in government. I have a feeling he’ll be so busy with that he will have no time to focus on pot.

It does. Vouchers are overwhelming good, if not a somewhat socialist, program and they should be embraced by folks around here.

She was nominated because of who her brother is. And she is willing to take on teachers’ unions and the status quo in order to make life better for the poor and middle class.

So, sound and fury, signifying nothing?

...whatever makes it easier for you to sleep at night.

Why would anyone believe this?

With similarly awesome results!

“Leading 28-12, the Falcons had a 99.9% win probability and had just gotten the ball back, giving them the chance to truly heal America by defeating the New England Patriots.”

This super bowl is all about you!