
At the end of the season, Charlie will tell everyone how Dee tricks him in to having sex by calling him "cheese eating jerk" and "janitorial turkey."

I was wondering the same thing. I'm sure if you asked my ex, there would be something or things that I ruined for her. I just have no idea what they would be.

For me, it's Modest Mouse's "Little Hotel." My long term (7 years) girlfriend and I had just broken up for the first time (the second time ended it for good after a brief reconcilliation). We each took a separate vacation shortly after the break up, which was originally planned as a two part trip (my half was Costa

I'm sure I'm way late to the party on pointing out the bassline in "Steady As She Goes" sounding nearly identical to Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him."

Great. Now I want to stay up all night and beat Deadly Towers.

That was a glitch? I legitimately thought it was the only way to beat those guys.

And Phantasy Star 1, which seemed impossible to me without making maps.

Although I disagree, this is an interesting thought. I haven't read the book, and felt that the film's failure to develop Amy's character came of as misogynyst, since it portrayed her as simply an evil woman who lived to torture men. I wanted to understand why she did what she did. If the film worked a little

I wish that "and once again we sad" would be come the new "when you somebody eat it."

Your feelings for Fallout 3 vs. New Vegas must depend on which you played first. I played Fallout 3 first, and New Vegas seemed less fun and less original.

I did a sort-of hybrid with my wife, where we were married in a vineyard by a Lutheran pastor (she's Lutheran and I'm atheist). My rationale to myself was that I meant all of the promises I made to her, I just don't think that they needed to be made "before God." So there wasn't any harm in me doing so, since it

I thought he said that an editorial about Dylan Farrow's letter had "palpable bitchery," not Farrow's letter itself. Although the author of the editorial was female, so that wasn't terribly nice either, but not the same thing at all.

"The Dark Tower" series comes to mind. The last two books dragged like crazy.

Similar experience, but since I grew up a Cubs fan, my breakup came after the 2003 NLCS.

It's true that parts of S2 are a slog, but the finale is one of the most amazing things ever aired on television.

I've been meaning to pick up back issues of Harbinger and catch up. I really liked the new Solar series, but it just disappeared and looks like it will stay dead this time.

Most of these bits are on the "Best of Eddie Murphy - Saturday Night Live" VHS/DVD, so that could explain it as well (assuming you ever saw that).

Most of these bits are on the "Best of Eddie Murphy - Saturday Night Live" VHS/DVD, so that could explain it as well (assuming you ever saw that).