
"Cinematic Game Changer" - yikes.

My wife said exactly that during that scene.

I thought the same thing. What must that police report look like?

As much as I love Lynch, you may be giving him too much credit re his view of women and what he's willing to subject them to. I remember Roger Ebert's review of Blue Velvet, and how much he hated how Lynch treated Rossallini's character. The shot at the end where she appears naked and bruised, begging Jeffrey to

Indeed. And in the recent Lynch interview, he said to remember that guy, and that we would see him again.

Agreed. If the reveal of what happened "that night" between Diane and Cooper (Evil Cooper?) is that he said he didn't want to date her, or was kind of mean to her, that wouldn't make sense and would be a let down. Given her extremely emotional reaction to him, and her general hate-the-world attitude, it had to be a

I saw a number of folks talk about Sunny Jim's weird blink, and even watched a slow motion video, but I don't see anything strange about it. I don't doubt that it looks weird to people (and is probably intentional), but for some reason, I can't see anything unusual about it.

Or that Leland was groomed by Bob when he was young, out at Pearl Lakes.

Agreed. And I think it reflected what Lynch likely wanted the original show to be, but couldn't because it was on network television. I believe he reined in his vision for the original series significantly. Even what he did show (especially Maddie's death) was pretty amazing for network TV.

I kind of thought it was.

Depends on what the contract says. It very well could have a buy out in it that the gang can pay and walk away.

Sure, thank makes sense. Unless Fox let's them walk because at least Kaitlin Olson is on a Fox show. And maybe Rob and Charlie work with Fox in the future on other contracts.

Nope. You can't make someone produce a tv show. You could potentially sue them for monetary damages, but not force them to work.

That doesn't mean anything. It's not like Fox can force them to come back and produce/make the show.

I think there's a good chance that the show won't return at all. And I'd probably prefer it that way. The season 12 finale works pretty well as a stealth series finale. I don't think I want to see the show without Howerton.

I really hope it's not Briggs' body. For some reason, that seems disrespectful of the character to me.

Even more interesting is that the voice wasn't really Jeffries. Maybe it was whatever thing came into the box after Cooper passed through it.

I agree. And as much as I love Robert Forster, I wonder why Lynch didn't just let Hawk be sheriff instead of bringing Forster in. It's clear that Hawk is going to play a significant role in the story.

This is a good theory, except for the fact that the Evil Cooper is actually his doppelganger, not Bob.

I agree. The only special effects I had an issue with was the reveal of Ruth's / John Doe's body. It was really fuzzy and fake looking. But not in an interesting, intentional-seeming way.