of course not but israel needs to defend themselves and don't let idiots throw rockets in their innocent civilians. then this techie terrorist group goes and tries to stop israel from defending themselves pretty much because their board.
of course not but israel needs to defend themselves and don't let idiots throw rockets in their innocent civilians. then this techie terrorist group goes and tries to stop israel from defending themselves pretty much because their board.
if i can 3d print any shell i want in aluminum for under 25 grand then ill print my 250 gto tomorrow
gt5 with a g27 steering wheel on the Nürburgring drive a Ruf yellow bird with no traction control or abs, there inst a better racing game on the market.
Yup, to the point they should be hunted down and shot if any of this information leads to unnecessary deaths.
as far as i can tell the government has been playing favorites with the luxury electric market , seriously i love Tesla and fisker but i don't have 80 grand to spend on a 80 kw S, and they said there going to build a 3 series competitor but a 3 series goes for around 40,000. where is my 30,000 dollar corolla sized…
of course, i dont have to pay for it if i crash it right?
starlight roof is pretty damn baler, and the 918 is a halo car for porsche so lets say a cool million with all the options, i think its pretty cheap if you consider there competitors in slower cars around the ring, pagani, koenigsegg ,and Bugatti.
NP-it might be a lil too expensive but not cp expensive, i say 8,500 would be where i feel comfortable paying for this car. low mileage decent a few cosmetic flaws but overall very clean.
now here in new york snow days will get you out of school, but in gaza"No school today for the children living in the #Gaza envelope, due to the constant threat of rocket fire.".
i love it, but only a professional mechanic could validate the buying one, or jay leno.
to be honest i really didn't realize how bad time warners service was until i tried optimum in long island they can watch tv on there ipad and computers and the cable boxes have just a lil lag. im just waiting for fios to come to my block.
surprised gizmodo didn't ask how good of a screen do you really need? followed by iphone is still king lol
i keep trying to get the best screen + best camera smart phone i think this is finally it, but htc phones have always have a lower build quality then Samsung. i had the original evo and i had to get it replaced or fixed about 9 times in two years. well i guess ill wait some more for apple, nokia, or samsung to give me…
if it was a resto mod, like a b18 engine type r brakes, that would be cool but 10k for a old civic wtf
this color makes sense in socal
if they respected the law and pulled over non of this would of happen.
damn it i was going to say the same thing
i don't play those games, i usually charge per job and that comes with a payment schedule, if its per hour ill give an estimate but it could go over or under. but for the most part i always try to get paid per job its easier and you get paid way more.
ill be honest i've had wine that cost few thousand a bottle, wine that cost a few hundred, but my favorite wines are usually in the 15-40 dollar range there's no reason anyone should need to pay more then that unless your a collector or showing off to your friends.
clients don't know how to express what they want, that's why they need designers in general. the costumer is not always right but its the job of the designer to explain them why they should do it there way. now if a client comes to me with a really dumb idea ill still work it out, why not its at least 60 bucks an hour…