
its a girls car like all its competition the slk, z4, boxter etc.. but i dont hate these cars and i dont mind driving them but if your a guy who buys you better be comfortable in pink shirt. that said looks great im sure it handle great has an auto, not going to hurt in this type of car since the slk doesn't offer one

i think pulled pork i think cuban sandwiches, but i havnt been to a nascar event

Americans like to be comfortable and we will pay more to be so. however gas and diesel cost about the same., unlike in Europe. so why drive a loud thumping diesel motor when a gas motor will be faster, smoother and just as about the same running cost. but now with all these great diesel cars coming out in Europe i

very cool would be perfect in my nyc 1 bedroom. but then again 2600 FU

apple is caring more about its competitors then its own products. this was the down fall of many american company's.

im pretty sure mr jobs laid out a sort term and long term plan for apple. and this is right up mr. jobs control everything philosophy. apple is caring more about its competitors then its own products.

if it was a factory convertible yes. but this isnt even done to factory standards of the period .

depends if i lived not in a city yes in a city still yes. has anyone here been out of this country people constantly drive insanely i would like a big suv with great gas mileage for 6k.

yes i lived in nyc there's plenty of parking if you know the times and places to do it. and i can paralleled park anything and i have no care about people hitting my car its part of city life.

i have to admit something nobody wants to admit. black berry makes the best smart phones today. they are very secure, they have insane battery life, you can use it with one hand, its great for scrolling web pages and you can throw this from a 2 story building and still receive emails, plus they never break , whens the

dont just hold the final payment, i pay contractors weekly and by phases. so if there behind on finishing my bathroom i wont start paying them with the money we agreed was for the kitchen. i haven't had a contractor really argue with this payment method its a good way not to get screwed over with half the work and a

honda was what every tuner kid in the 90s wanted now they are still mainstream and plenty of aftermarket but with the frz and mini cooper's and sti's evo's i could car less.

id rock that, shit if it was for sale ill have to give an offer

i love 911s and i love this its just so crazy. i just saw mad max last night so maybe im a lil less critical about people doing all these weird mods to there cars. but the 911 they started with wasn't perfect museum piece it looked like it needed alot of work and about 15 grand make it a sports car again. so right