Statistics do by there nature mean something. Anecdotal evidence while much better for convincing people of things and playing on people’s feelings are comparatively meaningless.
Statistics do by there nature mean something. Anecdotal evidence while much better for convincing people of things and playing on people’s feelings are comparatively meaningless.
That was a quick reply. My point being that these events while horrible aren’t statistically common. While these events anecdotally seem common they aren’t. You asked how to tell, so there you go.
Glad I flipped it on in time to catch the tip
Well we know one guy who didn’t break out of prison recently.
Get yourself a fucking fabu turban, because that was some quality work right there, lady...
I feel dirty starring this. +1
0 career TD’s. Stats don’t lie.
Well, I don’t get high anymore.
I think I'm one of those guys—I love go down on a woman and it would really bum me out if SHE didn't want it, but I really don't mind if I don't get it in return. I think it has to do with the fact that I've never had a really good blowjob. Not sure if it was me or them, but it always took too long so I would have to…
Almost like he gave the guy a job, then took it back. Like some kind of....Giving TakeBacker
Kinja: Where trolls and idiots control the narrative.
How about you stop writing comments.
This has nothing to do with fear. If anything I was compelled to check out the inventory of the regional aircraft and the split-second reflexes of these pilots. If you are looking for fear, yes, I am scared of colliding in midair with turboprop aircraft and I am glad these guys fly them instead of me.
Bro I did a little research. I totally wanted to have your back on this because why would anyone be all animosity-like without reason, right? So I busted out the old trusty 'Ctrl+F' looking for "should" and especially for "fear" and, fuck me, I couldn't find it anywhere in the article except I did find it in your…
"Tenet" not "tenant."
I absolutely don't believe in monogamy.