
Funny story when I was a Gamestop manager one of my holiday hires walked out and quit because me and another associate were having a discussion about the flaws of the Kingdom Hearts series. The guy I was talking with has a fucking KH tattoo even. This new guy just didn’t think we should ever be saying anything bad

You said it better than I ever could! I’m used to that at this point lol. 

Thank you for your honest discussion on this. Personally, and as a white male this comes from an absolute place of privilege, I love seeing discussion around race, sexuality, and many other topics in my preferred entertainment mediums. It is more interesting to me to read your articles on Overwatch or Apex Legends

I am so glad I no longer live in the Tampa area with how the Lightning are playing this year. The fans are going to be insufferable when they lose to Boston or Washington in the ECF.

It is what it is at this point for me. I was happy for Olivia Colman (I adored The Favourite). I thought Green Book winning was an absolute joke and I will never watch it. I saw all the foreign film nominees and all the BP nominees except Green Book and Vice. My favorite movie from last year was Shoplifters. I wish

My issue with this comment is that if it is valid criticism it gives no answers as to how maybe one should present awards for some of the best achievement in film for the year. Surely as an industry, like most, it would like to award its shining stars (even if it doesn’t always get those right and can seem

I have a major soft spot for Wolford, so seeing him play well has made me very happy.

Yeah, I’ve enjoyed the little bit I have watched so far. My cousin’s old teammate from college is the QB for the Arizona team so I have mostly been watching them and he is playing well so I am happy.

Megan McCain is the most “let me speak to your manager,” NIMBY piece of shit in the world. I am not using hyperbole when I say that I will celebrate when this no talent hack shuffles this mortal coil.

They are literally only doing this to try and crack down on the players already at home planning Robert Kraft massage/jerk off celebrations.

They’re gonna be called the Seattle Baristas or the Seattle Fish-Tossers and it is gonna be awful. 

I said it in a recent post about the Ricketts and I’ll say it again. I am a 40 year Cubs fan. Like many it was passed down from generations. Because of that, I don’t think I could ever cheer for another baseball team if I tried. That said, I never in my life could imagine how quickly this team could squander all the

It’s amazing to me how many people do not get this. I have worked mostly in the private sector and was lucky to work for companies where I largely felt a good amount of comfortability that my job wouldn’t be pulled out from under me in a moment’s notice. Now I work in the public sector (elementary school teacher) and

It is what it is. No harm no foul. Good talk!

How did this discussion get derailed to the sales success of XC2 when the original poster (wrongly) stated that Reggie blocked the first release of the original on Wii? I get it. You’re a fan. I’m not trying to demonize your preferred series of type of game.

I’m not the one walking in here saying game development is essentially IT work. That said, I would expect nothing less from someone demonizing all unions. Please just go away. 

Did you honestly think that if Reggie had a Twitter page you would be getting honest interactions with him? Come on. All you would be getting is canned corporate responses from an intern.

The last sales numbers I am seeing for XC2 are 1.42 million from last June. This game maybe passed 2 million and that may not be bad for Monolith’s expectations, but that does not mean it was a runaway success where one would be super shocked when a sequel wasn’t greenlit. Especially considering it was an exclusive

I mean, yeah, Xenoblade got 2 sequels that were well received critically, but neither set the world on fire in terms of sales. I’m also confused on his original comment that Xenoblade and Last Story were not on Wii when they definitively were.

Three games that in reality not that many people wanted.