
Man, that’s really going to sting. Imagine it. You’ve bought tickets to the home opener. Sure, you don’t think your Browns are going to do much this year, but we’re all 0-0, and it’s it great that football is back. Anyway, you get your gear, you drive out to the stadium. Maybe do a little tail gating. And then it’s

Inanimate, cloth flags mean more to them than non-white, human American lives

After reading the quotes attributed to him, I am fairly convinced that Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association President Steve Loomis is actually a bot that tries to aggregate comments from Fox News Facebook posts into something resembling actual human speech.

If only about 1700 more players would do this...

The police department that shot Tamir Rice has a problem with black players protesting police violence/discrimination. Natch.

This is progress. Usually Cleveland police protest browns by shooting them.

+1 once I quit the END-EFF-EL and freed up 500 hours a year, I discovered the positives of mankind, instead of a weak justification to: a) get high; b) identifying w/ fake winners; c) whine about bitch ass loser owners, teams, coaches, fan bases! I live thru 32 Drew articles to remind myself “cocaine is a dangerous

I quit fantasy because I couldn’t field a team without drafting a rapist or woman beater. Now I doubt if I can name enough players to fill a team.

Curt wanted to donate money, but the state of Rhode Island wouldn’t give him any more.

Well and whenever JJ tries to donate boxes of supplies, instinct kicks in and he tweets a photo of him doing a box jump, utterly destroying the package.

Kap needs to be on the cowboys pretty please

So true. I’ve watched less than 240 minutes of football over the past two years. And I was once a pretty rabid fan. I do hope my Patriots WYTS letter got to Drew on time this year.

I don’t consider myself a very good person. I have made many choices I’m not proud of.

For people of my age (let’s go with mid to late 40s) and in my geographic location (New England) the two worst groups of people are Dallas and Pittsburgh fans. Why? Because people my age and from my area of the world who like Cowboys or the Steelers are lazy bandwagon riders and just went with the teams that won in

As someone who has been a Baez fan since his first pro season in the minors, their ain’t no way to do life other than to Javy the fuck outa it.

Baez is slashing .291/.342/.539 with 10 homers since the All-Star Break while filling in full-time at Short (and doing a damn fine job of it). also, he’s fun as shit to watch and routinely infuriates and thrills depending on the game or shit, even the inning. Strike out on a slider 3 feet outside the zone? hit a 400

No jokes or snark here, Javy is just fun to watch.

For reasons passing understanding, Pirates catcher Chris Stewart threw to third baseman David Freese as soon as he could,

Should also note here that Rollie Massimino once told Donald Sterling he would rather die than coach the Clippers because of how racist Sterling was.

Man, it must be nice to be a white blonde girl with conventional looks and no soul or morals.