
No cable here so I was just following the game on my phone waiting for the pitcher substitution for Britton to happen. As the innings wore on I kept waiting for the game to be delayed so they could get medical attention to help Mr. Showalter with the stroke he had.

Hahaha I did too (first time at Coors). Watching him pitch was like watching paint dry. But I got a cool Arenado prospector bobblehead.

Goddamn right. I will go out of my way to buy anything orange. I love the color that much. No way am I ever going near one of those fucking abominations.

In the boonies in the state it is a meth-fueled madhouse of redneck shittery. In other areas it can actually be quite nice except for the unbearable fucking heat.

Yeah. So much of Milwaukee is like that. I started out on the east side then moved downtown. I left but everyone I know who lived either downtown or the Brady St area moved to Bayview. At least the music scene there is great.

I wish I could star this more. Every single person I went to college with that are still in the area left the greater Milwaukee area for the suburbs years ago and have become everything they claimed to hate 20 years ago. I was just at Bay View Bash last week and it might as well have been called Mayonnaise Fest (still

He’s not wrong. I did my undergrad in Milwaukee, lived there for ten years, and still visit frequently. I love Milwaukee with all my heart but it needs fixing in a lot of ways.

One day someone will wrote a book or make a movie about Fernandez’s life and death and it will not be able to match the pure emotion that has played out in real life.

This will always be one of my top five baseball videos ever.

Fuck. This is horrible. My cousin played against him years ago and always said he was an awesomely nice guy. On the case of that I always rooted for him (despite knowing when he pitched against my Cubs it usually meant a loss was coming). I am hearing he had a kid in the way too (though that comes from nowhere

Oddly, the shit these guys are complaining about is what has made me love this site even more.

Ugh I hate that Jim Caldwell is the most famous person from my hometown. The idiots here worship him for some reason like he is some amazing coach.

Oooooh! I’m going to the Wake/Indiana game on Saturday. Now I need to think of a funny sign to make.

I honestly think Cooper would have been the best choice for the job. Maybe I am biased having lived in the Tampa area (but not a Lightning fan). Players love him, he has a great hockey mind, and literally anything is better than Torts.

Well said. A terrible constructed roster and a terrible coach doomed this team from the start.

“Or, maybe, he’s just another media professor who, because he cannot do, teaches.”

Haha yeah. It is pretty much his life.

He’s an NES savant. That YouTube account has him beating the original Castlevania without getting hit once and he once beat the Jaws and Contra world speed records. I am fucking terrible at all of those games.

He’s got a bunch of video game tattoos. One on his leg of Kratos from God of War that is pretty badass.

Now playing

Here is my good friend beating it in under 20 mins without dying using only thre original gun.