They’re REALLY pissed at him for kneeling. I guess if the NFL won’t refuse to hire him, then some cops are going to come after him themselves.
They’re REALLY pissed at him for kneeling. I guess if the NFL won’t refuse to hire him, then some cops are going to come after him themselves.
Eh. Karma for getting fucked and sent to Witchita while a smoke and mirrors MSU team plays in Detroit.
I feel like you need to wait more than 1.9 seasons after a team wins a championship before you can talk about them choking.
Head of Medusa?
I hate when you have a close game at halftime between the 1 and 16 seeds but the better team comes out in the 2nd half and easily puts the game away
Thomas Jefferson must be rolling over in his slave.
Well, maybe if you had put a little more effort into winning the Revolutionary War, this wouldn’t have happened, old chap.
I’d like to formally apologize for having the topics Anne Frank + dating in front of me and failing to include this:
“Kick the rocks on Friday that others will think to kick on Monday.” - Jason Whitlock
I’m sure Maria and Michelle thought that they were doing some good by speaking there, and if they saw something like this article, would wonder what you were watching.
My wife has been a football (and, to a lesser extent, hockey) fan since she was a little kid. She started going to Bills games with her father when she was in preschool.
Literally every time she tried to join in a conversation about football when she worked in an office she was stared at like some sort of sideshow…
Dismiss the shit troll baskerville, been seeing that sack of shit pop up everywhere in all the articles and not just gaming.
I would never call myself a gamer because it gives definition to that word in the negative light as more and more people who calls themselves and self identifies “gamers” are not the ones you want to hang out with in terms of having a well discussed and civil discussion on gaming from every aspect there is and their…
Same. I stopped calling myself a gamer a long time ago and only really interact with people I know now. If you call something out as being hateful or harmful, you get dudes coming out of the woodwork to tell you you’re wrong, a huge SJW, and to stop bringing politics into games. With a healthy dose of threats of…
And we already got a rape apologist, keep the gaming community proud!
About what? Mad that I get up and give thanks that my political leader isn’t laughed at on the world stage? Mad that my country isn’t currently reviled by the rest of the planet? Mad that if someone insults me I can get my feelings checked for free?
Or a president
A better agent