
No offense, but I hope the Jaguars Defense, Fournette, and Blake Bortles (lol) beat the Pats so bad that you cry and pee.

Stupid sexy Flanders

I don’t think they can do anything, the low level ad person here. These ads come from outside services, and the service nor the website cares enough to root through the malware.

I’m glad we finally get to hear from the real victim here.

Hey, even the Atari Jaguar had its supporters!

Yep. I myself came from a great supportive family, was on my way to getting my degree, but did not know I was suffering from a life long anxiety disorder that led me to two suicide attempts. I was fortunate to find my way out (and finish my degree!) with a lot of help/therapy/support, but some people aren’t so lucky,


I know there are some people that feel like any situation is worth joking about.

Man this really sucks ass

Rodney Mullen is one of the greatest artists in human history. I am not exaggerating to say that I would defend that belief to my death.

Is there an eye roll emoji for people who suck the air out of any room? The kid is 5, right?

I can only hope this insufferable bunch does not rear any children, as they sound like complete dickbags.

Jesus, how many armchair parents are going to say this same stupid comment. The kid’s five, and he spent the afternoon with his dad. It’s not some crime against humanity.

God forbid you ever do anything for a five year old kid, because then they expect everything to be handed to them, for life!

Sorry you feel this way. But one instance of a father working hard for his kid with his kid, so his kid can preserve he has something special from his dad will not destroy this kid.

Missed a great opportunity to teach your kid about hard work, earning your rewards, and knowing that you can’t always get everything you want. I know this because I have no kids, that makes me an expert on this.

By far the Plathiest comment of the day

It may be a bit of a fair weather attitude to some, but it can also be described as a careful optimism at this point. For being so bad for so long, we are afraid for the other shoe to drop.

Same here with most Cubs fans. It’s those damn Cardinals fans I hate dealing with.

Been in WI my whole life. Hate the Cheesehead as well as “The Owner” bullshit. Sit the fuck down and just watch the game.