Obama was, and is, everything and anything these loons need him to be.
Obama was, and is, everything and anything these loons need him to be.
You clearly understand what’s happening in the Metal Gear games a lot more than I do.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, your first paragraph and mine kind of point at the same thing, a practice born of good intentions that got derailed, and a word becoming charged with a different meaning.
Deadspin Would Attack The Patriots If They Were Socialist is some high-grade Kinja
As a grown man with CP, I really appreciate your take.
All I think anyone is asking is for us to become more highly evolved people. Let’s just all try not to be mean. If you say something and unintentionally hurt someone, apologize, and move on, try not to do it any more.
I’ve been almost entirely able to excise it from my language at this point. But it’s still something I have to watch out for when I’m really frustrated, especially with people who are willfully failing to learn. I know it’s wrong but it’s one that my brain tries to grab, and I’d say a couple times a year I get out an…
I’ve been working for a couple years to remove this word (as an epithet) from my vocabulary. It’s almost gone, but it still pops out occasionally - it’s one of those words I used regularly for a long time without ever really thinking about who I was hurting by doing so. Once I became more aware of the stigma that…
There’s no need to ever use that word now that we have the perfectly fine “maga” to replace. Donald is a fucking maga.
The fact that he called you an asshole reflects poorly upon him, true. The fact you responded in kind and clearly let it get to you reflects poorly upon you. You’re both wrong, you’re both acting like petulant children. Fuck over it.
We regulate abortion and try to ban it all the time. If my uterus is gonna be a timeshare for the government, your little phalloballistic substitute can have a few restrictions put on it.
This is the kind of completely random comment I expect to find on an article about a South Park game.
We have to be better than we were. I’m encouraged and heartened by reading my brothers’ moral quandaries about their past behaviors, because it echoes the concerns I have about my own. How could it be a bad thing in the slightest to do an intensive and honest self inventory? It’s learned behavior, and it can be…
I don’t know whether to laugh orbeso offended by this comment.
Maybe you don’t expect it but that’s precisely when and why I would strike. Sweep the legs.
We are still unsure what happened
Is John Skipper an elite president?
not defending barstool, but it’s amazing how ESPN has found a way to publicly and embarrassingly shoot its own dick off regarding nearly every major content and personnel decision over the past 18 months.
You should be familiar with this tactic, as you seem to keep commenting until intelligence is somehow magically ended in America.