
What's this? An original idea?! This can't be!

no. just no. Popo Does not approve

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From the same guy who gave us the 90 minute Star Wars Episode 1 review:

Rapiscan? Really? The company is called Rape-i-scan?!

Man, that machine sure is one bad mother-

I thought it was Kaylee from Firefly when I first saw that pic

Hell, I would've bought the Courier

@MrBrownSound: The coast guard is a branch of the military. at least in the US

I want to control my PC with a kinect. Like, now. I want the fucking enterprise computer combined with some minority report style shit, yo.

Now playing

not according to this lady SHES A WITCH! BURN HER!

@Kovitlac: live in harmony, harmony, OH LOVE

ummm... It's been done. Does anyone remember Freedom Fighters?