
He's not Falling! He's Flying!... With Style!

I got something that Verizon can stick in their cloud...

@geeman89: an extension of the law is that the processing power of CPUs doubles every two years in direct correlation to the increase in number of transistors. The logical conclusion being that eventually we will hit the maximum number of transistors that can be placed in a given area, that is, once miniturization

Looks like we just sidestepped, or at least put off, the limits to Moore's Law, the number of Transistors now remains the same, or even less, while a novel use of them allows for increased computational power.

I played it at comic con, looks like DA2 with ramped up graphics on par with ME2.

@Architectin: Same here, I was born 2 months and some change before the world wide web, none of these youngsters can claim to be older than the internet. Also, I grew up on a healthy diet of Transformers, Thundercats, Beast Wars, and Crossfire Comercials.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I got pretty good acceleration for my ATi Radeon HD 5870, WINE works pretty well for gaming (they even got Mass Effect 2 working on it now) And once you have it set up, you have all the eye candy and functionality you want. I, for example removed the bottom "taskbar" and replaced it with a dock

College Ruled Perforated Five-Star Five Subject Notebooks. I love those notebooks, and the only digital version I would have left them for was the Courier. But since that's not an option, I get to stick to the tried and true physical notebook.

@Nick: The FUCK?!

I prefer this.

@dracosummoner: Let our lawsuits combine! Then captain planet raises an OBJECTION! in the court, and then hands you your ass in settlement fees.

@Ophite: srsly, the mage finishing moves are badass, the crushing prison spell, used on an ogre , lifts him up in the air, and squeezes him until he a splodes.