
@Jimmy Tango: The force is strong with this one.

@excaliburps: it's the triggers. I'm not all that familiar with PS3 controls, but shooting aliens should never be a 3 step process.

@excaliburps: Played Dead Space 2 at comic con. The controls are rather.... icky, at least with the PS3 version anyway...

I got to play Dragon Age 2 at Comic Con, they showed off an in game cinematic thaty lead into a fight with the darkspawn horde. The mages got finishing moves now, and the player character is actually voiced. Also, Flemeth is back. No idea if they decided to go the Mass effect 2 route on the armor system, but I hope

@Canon7D-Fanboy: some say, all of his toenails are like a woman's nipples, and that the producers rigged a phone poll to change his name. All we know is, he's called Cuddles!

@mrjoeyyaya: The Twin Towers were a very well known landmark, and very prominent part of the new york sky line, along with the empire state building. Therefore a game designer with limited hardware would naturally choose them as targets in a game about a fictional attack on new york, given their basic shape, the fact

@Adhominem: he said "pirate" so i'd guess eyepatched tigh.

fuck. Now I just want to go jump off a fucking cliff for being so goddamned useless.

@Rhainor: and it works with rar files!

@Flako_FigZ: good job getting my convoluted reference. +1 internets to you.

@planetarian: as far as it has come? it's not even public beta. A large portion of the problems web designers have is because IE is fucked up in so many places across each version. IE8 required fucking website compatibility patches. Unless MS completely scrapped previous IE code, and implemented webkit or gecko, that

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Only if we can go to a whitecastle. I got a hankering, and Whitecastle is the only thing that can fill it.

@thefloodgod: Someone get this man a star, ASAP.

I prefer 7z.

damn comment system..