William Shatner Front Yard

Not that I give a shit about nationalistic gestures (it's all silly as fuck), but I wonder what all the right-wingers who constantly whined that Obama didn't always wear a flag pin at least yeah high and yeah wide will have to say about this. My guess is nothing. It's nothing, right?

who happened to be really nice

A giant anus, which was revealed to have a giant vagina inside once he flew through it.

While there are legitimate criticisms to be had of Gene's vision, that alone doesn't preclude the possibility that Rod could have developed a new appreciation for his father's philosophy in the quarter-century-plus since he died, though.

Side note, I think the whole "she was rude to Data" thing that people remember only really stems from her first interaction with him in the S2 premiere. I'm not saying she was a great character or anything, but I rewatched "Pen Pals" not too long ago and she's actually perfectly civil with him, actually agrees with

Also, if it's occupying all points in the universe at once, how did it not simultaneously crash into every solid object in the universe at once?

You know what? Fuck this, I'm flagging every fucking one of his posts, and you all should too.

planet-destroying space balls

I thought sweatshops were the sweatshops of the 21st century. Where do you think your electronics are made? But call centers are probably a close second.

And beyond that, there are LGs who think the Bs need to "pick a side". It's really more like LGb(t).

*Rey fights Kylo Ren while wearing skimpy clothing, when it's fucking snowing*
Me, a Masshole: "You have GOT to be fucking kidding me".

Wasn't Tegan supposed to be a lesbian? (although obviously not outright stated in that day).

Was that yet another production filmed in in the Battersea Power Station? I feel like just about any British show produced in that day and set in a nuclear reactor was probably filmed in there. AKA the Pink Floyd building.

Well, better than the sentient, security-officer-killing puddle from season 1 of TNG, anyway…

One episode in and I already like Bill better than I liked two and a half seasons of Clara.


"Darmok" is one of my favorite Trek episodes, but I find it has extremely diminishing returns upon rewatch. It's an episode that depends on not knowing what the fuck is going on the first time and slowly figuring it out. Whereas an episode like "Yesterday's Enterprise" I'll just watch again and again.

Actually, I tend to think Emilia overacts painfully in the scenes where she's speaking Valyrian. Her talent at making it sound like a real language is great, I'm not debating that, but I think her acting itself becomes extremely hammy, not quite Shatneresque but getting there.

Relevant XKCD:

When I was a kid and watching ROTJ, I actually did think "Fodder" meant shit. Because I asked my father what it was, and he said "It's kind of like…shit". I thought Jabba was calling him Bantha shit, which would make sense. So then I learned what fodder actually meant a little bit later, and sure enough, when the