"Are you married?"
"I'm divorced."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don't."
"Are you married?"
"I'm divorced."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don't."
That's, like our conversation last night, a difference of opinion I'll allow for. I tend to think the biggest bullies online are shrinking violets in meatspace (I'm not even specifically talking about right-wingers or those who harass women/minorities, but just Greater Internet Fuckwads in general), but I guess…
Sanders didn't have sex appeal, but he definitely had charisma. Just sayin'.
I've said it before: In both 2004 and 2016, the Democrats ran a candidate who actively sucked all charisma out of the room, and whose entire sales pitch was "Vote for me because I'm not the other guy". And look what happened, both times. In between, they ran a guy with charisma out the ass, and it worked out pretty…
I don't remember them saying exactly that, but I do remember the elderly black woman juror saying "It seemed like the best idea at the time, but now he's a stupid ass".
I'd vote for her. She seems like a compassionate person. Right now, why the fuck not her. Sue me.
I'm being 100% honest and serious when I say that if weed could be completely legal, normalized, socially acceptable, and didn't jeopardize employment, I'd completely give up alcohol in favor of weed. Booze really sucks when you think about it.
The smell makes me horny. Weed is a major aphrodisiac for me.
That's…weird. I LOVE the smell and inhale deeply any time I happen to walk by it.
I fully believe that's what happened in the OJ Simpson trial. They didn't think he was innocent, they just wanted to give a big "Fuck you" to the LAPD for generally being dirty racist schmucks.
Let him come after Massachusetts. Pretty sure this good state will fight him tooth and nail.
I think you're missing MY point. I didn't advocate violence, merely surmised on why people suddenly get brave online.
Shame on Congress for passing that law!
Didn't they already ban him? Why did they let him back on?
It's not the anonymity, it's the physical barrier. When they can't be touched, they can say all the stuff that would get them punched in the face in real life, anonymous or not.
It's AMAZING how many people are perfectly willing to post diarrheal, hateful rants online under their real full names and pictures, for potential or current employers to discover.
Great. I don't use Twitter, but if I did, I guess I'd be muting anything with "snowflake", "SJW", "PC", "virtue signaling", "cuck", "safe space", or any of the other reactionary right-wing bingo-card words du jour.
I think if you hid people from the Nazis, that cancels out whatever other crap you might have done. Well, most things. It probably wouldn't cancel out molesting kids, for instance. But most things.
I've been saying it for a long time: the Dems need to take a page from the Republicans' playbook and learn to be more Macchiavellian. Play their same dirty tricks, but for the purpose of good. But they won't. They refuse to get nasty, and that's their undoing. They refuse to understand that good isn't the same thing…
Yup, and I still think voter suppression figured a lot in this election. Trump's goon squads held blacks and Hispanics back from voting in swing states, no doubt.