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Yeah, but can he teach him how to do this?!?!

I remember when all I had to cling to was Brian Giles.

Pirates fan here. I love Greg Brown, if not only because he’s the biggest homer in baseball. The guy worked his way up from the mailroom, was even the backup Pirate Parrot at one point.

I remember watching him pitch one of his best games while paying tribute to his friend Oscar Tavares, who also died in a car wreck in the DR. It was emotional stuff. The world is cruel sometimes.

Don’t people have to go to your shows to picket them?

Does anyone know if Boogie has entered the “Tyson Zone” yet?

I used to ride for Dick Sherman before I realized he is a crybaby who wants it both ways. He wants to do and say whatever he wants without criticism. He’s (seemingly) smart enough to know that’s not how this whole thing works.

I guess I should have said, “read” or “heard” about what he did. I for one don’t want to see video of a man beating and choking his pregnant girlfriend.

Ummm. Have you seen what Tyreek Hill did?