
her name and phone number are available for eveyone to call

I will never understand why hockey fans give a shit about a player’s ability to fight. It’s like placing some importance on a left tackle’s ability to play beer pong.

“I’m challenging the logic of people who defend this girl’s behaviour while saying another’s alleged behaviour is enough to remove him from campus” The idea that different behavior is punished differently is a pretty integral one to law enforcement and, you know, logic.

This is nonsense. Are you seriously suggesting that schools should treat every incident of misconduct, from rape to flipping the bird, the same?

It’s not a binary equation. It’s not either kick everyone off the team for any infraction or don’t kick anyone off ever. There is plenty of room for common sense in

You’re comparing raping someone to flipping the bird.

This is exactly why I would never take my kid to a NFL game. All I could think about is one of these drunk, Trump supporting assholes rolling over my rail-thin son and smothering him. I’d hate to have to beat 10lbs off of someone just to make sure my kid doesn’t suffocate.

Why should the Democrats cater to racists?

We’re talking about a breed of dog, not an entire species. Calling a breed of dog endangered is specious. It’s not endangered, there are billions of them.

According to another poster, this guy feeds the polar bears to attract tourists. Not sure if he was doing that back in 1996, but I think that is the problem that people have with him. Not necessarily that the dogs are chained (although it sounds like he doesn’t actually RUN his dogs, which would mean that the

all I got from that is that you’re probably too young to know otherwise

I have some buzzwords that describe you: dipshit, .8 % condom breakage, 336th trimester abortion, sparsely attended funeral, the guy that a Papa Johns driver checks on to see if he’s still alive but remembers that he’s an asshole that doesn’t tip so he leaves him to die with the band of his Trump underwear around his

Black president

No one is unaware of that after seeing this. That is the point of this. Do you seriously not understand the point of this? I’d offer to draw you a picture, but if the video doesn’t help, then why would a picture?

Let’s make sure people can see and understand what half-assed false equivalence looks like. :)

It’s objectively correct, the context is campaign staffers talking about a campaign, not democratic president elect staff talking about future policy.

“but your take is objectively wrong.”

You’re absolutely right, because Hillary knows that getting elected is what you need to do to get stuff done in congress. Making bolder campaign promises doesn’t actually get anything done at all.

BREAKING: Campaign wants to get elected.

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