William R. Glass

It does have one of the great action set pieces in the chase on the 7 Mile Bridge in the Keys. That really is Jamie Lee Curtis hanging off the helicopter. I grew up in So Fla and spent a lot of time in the Keys, so I loved watching that chase, but I hate that te movie nuked the Keys.

If you want to see great cinematography fused with social justice, then look at his work on John Sayles's Matewan.

Nobody's mentioned Patrick Doyle's great score, it contributes a lot to the romanticism of the movie.

Feminist? Not in Birth of a Nation, in fact I'd argue that his depiction of women in this film shows an anti-suffrage argument. There are three moments when women leave the home and they get into trouble: the first may be coincidental when the Cameron daughters leave the house at the moment when the Yankees raid their