William Karner

Well, that's something to look forward to.

Up until this episode, I had a feeling that Barry was going down the same path Anakin Skywalker took in order to save his wife, to stop those visions from coming true; and in so doing, from a certain point of view, he killed Iris.
I've recently realized that Savitar has been a lot like Maleficent since the Christmas

Pray whatever happened after Flashpoint didn't set Laurel on the same path as Jason Todd. That calm hello she gave Oliver nearly freaked me out.

It's possible.

Think that's already been taken.

It's about time Barry knew about Snart's death. Question now is: How is he going to explain this to Lisa? And someone ought to inform Mirror Master while he's still locked up; no use pursuing vengeance now.

Is that so?

This Vigilante is much worse than the Punisher and Red Hood. He thinks of civilians that get in the crossfire as nothing more than "collateral damage." Frank Castle took great care not to fire on patients, staff, and visitors in a hospital while on search of his target. And has Jason Todd ever killed innocents?

Which comic issue was that in?

First off, since when did Julien Albert start having a girlfriend? Second, that must be why he didn't answer Joe's call.

There's no way that Quentin Lance is Prometheus. I mean, he doesn't have the kind of advanced training Deathstroke or the League of Assassins possess. And you see the look on his face when he saw the throwing star on his table? He was absolutely baffled, to say the least.
What's more, if that was really Prometheus

Okay, now you're just being ridiculous.

Deathstroke's too mature and disciplined to fall for that.

This is no mere "berserker." He's not only big, but remarkably fast as well. He's like a ghost in many ways; here one moment and gone the next before he shows up again. And that crazed laugh… He seeks to toy with you, scare you, haunt you until you're dead. Like a bounty hunter, he's not one to give away the identity