
Maybe they weren't speaking English? Lots of people are bilingual and straight men talk about pussy in every language (and plenty of straight women discuss cocks as well.) Sometimes I think these articles go up like, "Well, it's Jezebel. The commentariat will get outraged even if there's nothing particularly

Hah. The funny thing about our name is that it was basically Ellis Island being like, "What? How do you say your furren Yurop name? Ehh... Schwartz. Close enough."

These were closer to calculators than ipads, they were so shitty. And they were needed for AP exams, as more and more testing goes high-tech.

Tire gauge.

We already spend more money per pupil than every other nation on Earth. He might be an idiot, but more money isn't the answer.

Hmm, I'm not sure a fascination with pussy/ladyparts is inherently disrespectful to women. It seems to be a universal fascination straight dudes have and discuss with each other when they're bored or passing time. At some level I can't blame them, it's a pretty awesome topic. (This is not to say the content of the

Thanks! I didn't intend for it to sound like victim blaming, because to me she had a choice. Victim blaming IMO is when someone does something to you and you had no way to stop it, then you are somehow blamed for letting it happen, i.e rape or assault.

CT laxxer bros have nothing on MD laxxer bros.

"Enthusiasm is what separates good sex from bad sex. Consent is what separates sex from rape. "

Are you kidding me? The tone of the article like "the nerdier parts of the internet" and "the game is especially popular among young nerds who consider themselves liberal". Are you fucking kidding me? Youre whole article is entirely condescinding to the people who play the game and of course because you clearly dont

9/10 would let save but no burns over second degree.

Or maybe he just said that because he didn't want to outright say "she's crazy and she's making it up". I think he's just acknowledging that they had sex but that the only explanation he can think of is that she then in her head misinterpreted what happened as assault rather than consensual sexual activity.


"Whatever the truth of the situation, the whole thing reads a little like, 'I'm sorry if you thought I sexually assaulted you, but I definitely did not.'"

Bigamy seems like an odd one out on that list.

Sure it is. But that's not all there is to beauty and desirability. Non-white women are told in both subtle and blatant ways by the media that we can never truly be beautiful, no matter how young we look, because beauty is whiteness. So we generally say "fuck that" and create our own rules and norms.

Seeing as I am sitting here wearing leather shoes and eating a hamburger, I cannot be too upset at hunters, my hypocrisy only goes only so far.

Actually, you'd have to dive into those numbers and think. Title IX, does hurt men's sports. Since colleges rely on football and basketball for revenue, men's sports are cut, while women's sports are maintained and paid for by this revenue stream, which in turn covers the all the women's sports. It's the

How's your lettuce, though?

1) He's not elite. He's currently tied for 239th in the league with three home runs and hitting below .250. He has stolen no bases and his WAR is in the negative numbers, meaning theoretically you could pick up any average free agent off the street and they'd be better.