
Then you should state this in your article. You are being disengenious when you state "It's 2013 and only one woman (Anne Fletcher, director of The Proposal) has been hired to direct two feature films in the last five years. "

God I hate those things. I have one in my garage for the mower, huge PITA. Not to mention there's no breather on it. None. Who designs a gas can with no breather? Honestly? I had to jam a knife into it, except I wasn't thinking and didn't put it at the very top of the handle, I put it at the top of the back, so when

Very much correct. The issue that we SHOULD be discussing and which the defense attorney should focus on is contributory negligence. I replied to another comment stating he may have still died going at normal speed. Two issues here, normal speed should be understood as normal operating speed, not speed

Criminal intent doesn't matter, buddy. That's why there are crimes like "negligent homicide." When you're controlling a two-ton vehicle, you have a responsibility to keep other people safe. Her decision put people at risk. The father should not have been driving that fast, but they might have died even if they

I read the briefs of the parties back in March when oral arguments were made. I was surprised at Hobby Lobby...in strictly legal terms, their theories are not as crackpot as they sound in real-person terms. From what I remember, the Bible is part of it, yes, but it's more about the possibility, however remote, that

His dick told the police "I know we've had our share of fistfights but I never thought he'd pull a gun on me."

I will cut off my fucking arm before I even admit of the possibility that this is a passably smart person who just happened to make a mistake. This is the definition of criminally stupid.

Well, not thinking things through is a subset of stupidity. Not seeing the consequences of parking your car on a highway lane with the door open fits very very well under the heading of infinite stupidity. I'm amazed she made it to 25 without dying while ironing in the bathtub. I was trying to think of something as

I hope she doesn't get life, but she deserves a helluva lot more than classes and community service. She made the incredibly stupid choice to come to a complete stop in the passing lane of a highway and two people are dead because of it. At the least she owes the widow a shitload of money.

She should spend some time in jail. Not a lifetime, but enough to make her reflect. This person parked her car on the highway. She should never, never be given the right to drive again. Someone who didn't have the minimal intelligence to know you don't park your car on the highway cannot be allowed to drive again.

A desire to have sex with an attractive, powerful member of the opposite sex. Obscene amounts of money.

He has been one of the 5 best pitchers in all of baseball every year since 2006. He's better at baseball than you or I are at literally anything.

He got Kate Upton, stopped jacking off, lost strength in his arm. What's the question here?

Whoever made up the nickname "Yoko Romo" for Jessica Simpson is aces in my book.

My friend's daughter's sister's uncle's mailman's neighbor made $.01/hr building stairs in Brazil.....

From the link in your story:

He agreed to the plea bargain. His council is a moron and I don't think it should part of plea deal except in child sexual abuse cases. I do agree with chemical castration there. The rates of recidivism are too high and the risk to the public too great.

He didn't compare homosexuality with bestiality. That's a total mischaracterization of his opinion. What he argued was that sexuality in general can be regulated by the state, as evidenced by prohibitions against bestiality, polygamy, incest, adultery, and other sex acts or sexual relationships. Essentially he argued

Chase did take off his makeup and got his picture taken, but the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund is now calling for the South Carolina DMV to allow Chase to retake his picture.