
Agreed, but you don't start a settlement bargain at the number you want.

Its crazy that bad parenting gets a reward these days.

"This professor literally trapped his students on a vessel with a pack of leering, drunk men in the middle of the ocean?"

By your own admission, more money isn't the answer. Spending the money appropriately is the answer. Also, since teachers fight tooth and nail against grading systems for them, how does one determine a great teacher. Student performance? State tests? Peer reviews? There isn't a good system in the current climate.

Honestly, I would assume you would want iconography in place where you are at peace. #bathandabottleofwine

I usually stream while on an elliptical, but its worth it if you are stoned on the couch too.

Tyrant is the best show since Fargo stopped showing.

We clicked.

Well, education is a human right and people can get outraged about it. This discourse has been super civil though. It depend on whether or not someone says something angry or rude, but currently holding a pretty high score for off topic.

The short answer is no. Kids don't even really need computer for anything, but research papers and general understanding of computers. Unless there are efficiencies to be gained by going paperless, then yeah, but kids lose, break, cheap, and hack Ipads much more than they do books.

I wish he explained whether or not it was degrading. Since they also mentioned respecting women, who knows at this point. Straight guys really like women and their body parts. That isn't inherently evil. Also, where do you live that the workers speak English?

Even if you look by state LA county spends at some of the highest levels in the country and has some of the worst performance. Apparently buying all students ipads is an awful, awful investment.

Well, they are all over the place in the Churchworks Brewery in Pgh. It is an old Catholic church converted into a microbrewery. Also in peoples houses.

You don't even need an extension. Any metal pipe when slid over a wrench will allow you more torque to loosen those pesky nuts.

Wrong. Also, it is possibly the most useful tool for people who don't know anything about cars. It is idiot proof and can save tires and gas mileage.

I have seen crucifixes in bathrooms before. Is this substantially different?

Why would I pick either of those? My original statement was clear and logical. 2 parents, in general, are better than one. Either parent can be the cause of the others single parenthood. If every child had 2 parents, the world would function smoother than it currently does. All of these statements are true, whether

That is why I said statistically, not individually. I am sure there are tons of great single moms and dads doing better than a lot of kids with two parents. That said, a disproportionate percentage of the prison population comes from single parent homes.

There are literally 1000's of ways to calculate child support. It depends on if you use the court, mediators, lawyers, or a wink and a handshake. Sometimes its a static number, sometimes its a percentage of income, sometimes its a mix. Sometimes it is just paying for the kid's expenses and not giving anything to the