Will H


“You get to the end, and there’s nothing to do but die.”

Or its precursor

For people who think that “publisht” is a typo on my part...

They were actually Tesla’s hands. Edison just claimed they were his.

There’s a discount code.

There’s a discount code.

It to the right of the right leg of that table, have a protective cover with floral design. and when you watch carefully you can see the camera of the phone.

You must be new around here.

Still easier then changing a head light bulb on a new car.

Shh.. it’s edgy. Like when you were 11 and said it.

Thank you! I’m a fan of the word when needed, but damn enough is enough.

well...If we can’t possibly hit the minimum...only alternative is to hit the max!

That wasn’t Cpt. America...that was Walker Texas Ranger. I’m surprised he didn’t do a spinning heel kick when he squared off with the dude.

"Seems like a major problem with the operating system, Colonel!" "The operating system kernel? And I'm just a Major, Major." (etc)


+1 for the ironic non-clickbait title. Well played!

From what I’ve read, Houston has pretty much assimilated the civil engineering and city planning premeditation of Lagos with a dash of Port Moresby.

I bought and returned two different bluetooth receivers to hook up to my stereo system (only 2.1, but is hooked up to TV as well). Replaced them with a chromecast audio when it first came out and the range, sound quality are MUCH better, while price was basically the same. There are some quirks like streaming from

It’s not a “donk” it’s a box Chevy. White culture tries to apply hard definitions to things that lack hard definitions in the culture they are observing. Another example is “twerkin” which is not a dance specifically. It’s not even shaking your a$$. It’s a generic term for provocative movements. Donk is a term that is