Will H

it’s an older style of modification talked about in the podcast that predates the donk style

“Your car is a representation of yourself . .so . . you wanna represent yourself right”

You can put these on DSLR bodies and they will win over smartphones because DSLR’s have other things to offer like bigger sensors, IS etc etc.

Typical BMW owners; honks at you, aggressively follows you until you finally stop, all to tell you how much your motorbike/car sucks. 11/10 accuracy if it is a fake.

Now playing

In this case the cement was an unusual mineral called dolomite

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.

I still maintain that if they wanted to do an all female ghostbusters it should have been a continuation not a reboot. Essentially in the first movie they talked about how the “Franchising rights alone will make us millions”. So fast forward all these years later and who might need money? Venkman. Have him scam the

I’m confused. The title Bentley they won’t let the engine die, but the whole article is about how they’re going to let it die?

Yeah, why isn’t the block referenced as “aluminium”?

also known as the “6 3/4 Litre“ because old England doesn’t use decimals

Honestly I was looking for Joe Dirt

Seriously. Fuck these fucking fucks. I also don’t necessarily believe that it’s a matter of being short staffed: my last flight out of Newark featured a 90 minute security line because they had ONE person checking ID.

I’m more disappointed that there wasn’t a South Park reference.

It’s okay, because Cameron isn’t liberal.

For a second I thought you wished death on a liberal politician, because THAT wouldn’t fly around here.

Through the 60's.

Nothing like a sub hard attached to a bar for those glorious rattling glass undertones.

The Trans-Am is the type of car that makes you want to be in a Camry or a late-model minivan, just to see the impotent rage/sadness on the owner’s face when you walk them at a stoplight.

The thing with rental cars, is they usually aren’t a letdown, because I’m expecting them to be terrible. And so far they have consisently delivered.