Will H

No. I use Hangouts hourly, but this is much simpler, as Sophie’s article describes.

So, it could potentially be better than FaceTime since it’s cross-platform? This could get interesting.

I was waiting for “fracking!”

Yea— you definitely would not make it here.

What a depressing outlook on the world you have. Capitalism is in our blood in America. It’s what makes a student study harder for an A, or an employee work harder for a promotion or contract.

Try not using them and enjoy the gun (metaphorical or otherwise) forcing you to. You’re trying to change my position to zero-government anarchy because otherwise your logic is a strawman falacy.

^ This. I bought a refurb for ~$200 from Woot and will do that again without hesitation if the current one dies.

Ahh yes, the great political scholar Ronald Reagan Obama, proving that with enough charisma, people will believe whatever you say. He was one smooth criminal.

The rant was about subsidies. They mess with the free market, heavily.

Wow. Thanks Karl for that flacid argument.

I’ll save the greeny arguments for another day and instead open with one of my favorite Reagan quotes:

Old Louisiana residents will remember this one:


Obligatory Simpsons.

I would say, if you live in a hot climate, DO NOT leave this flashlight—or any lithium-ion battery—in your vehicle. I’ve had multiple batteries in cell phones, flashlights, garage openers, etc expand/explode due to high temperatures. I’ve recorded temps on my dash of 150F+ in the summer here in Texas.

I would say, if you live in a hot climate, DO NOT leave this flashlight—or any lithium-ion battery—in your vehicle.

Yep, typical union mentality against free-market economics.

You say “temper tantrum,” I see Austin voting themselves too stupid to make decisions for themselves regarding levels of risk.

If Uber/Lyft put a disclaimer in their app saying “there’s a 1 in a million (whatever) chance that your driver may kill you...” I would still accept the risk, as it’s still a much better

If cell phones caused cancer, I should have a tumor the size of a baseball on the side of my head by now.

I have the Morning Industry QF01SN. It actually has very simple, awesome smart phone implementation via Insteon (a main competitor to Z-Wave).

At least the trunk is OK.