Will H

Leaf this guy alone. :)

Damn—now that I think about it, my jar leaked a tiny bit as well at the blade. It never bothered me enough as I just rinced the whole thing when I was finished.

Damn—now that I think about it, my jar leaked a tiny bit as well at the blade. It never bothered me enough as I just

To each his own everyone—that’s why I love the Android environment. So many options. I now have a G5. I’ve been waiting for a phone to exist with these features for over a year, and it finally happened:
- Android
- USB Type-C
- SD slot
- Removale Battery

At this point, I don’t call it a “Modular design.” I call it the

I’m not exactly calling “fake” here, but I’m curious as to why they didn’t show any full shots of the take-off/landing. Notice the camera cuts are timed to where you don’t see him lift off or touching down.

These numbers should be graphed with each brand’s sales numbers to get a more accurate portrayal.

Came for DOOM, was not disappointed.

Wife says her ‘04 Xterra wouldn’t start and is freaking out since she’s late for work. She thinks it’s the battery, but I had just replaced it a few months back.

Doesn’t have to be a priority—it already works well and is standard issue on flagship devices. Guess my super-vision & hearing are a blessing and a curse. :/

“The best camera is the one you have with you.” Of course watching 4k video on a low-res device is pointless. You missed the point.

In 30 years when my kids are grown and moved out, I’ll be glad I used 4k. Yea, probably a luxury for at least the next year or so before everyone is using it, and 2 years later when it’s considered inferior to 8k.

Ditto. I also got a blade “sampler pack” from Vintage Blades and was surprised I could feel the difference between various brands & countries. I finally settled on the Gillette 7 o’clock Super Stainless.

Ditto. I also got a blade “sampler pack” from Vintage Blades and was surprised I could feel the difference between

Why rent equipment when my Android phone can handle it with no problem?

4k video will fill your 64GB iPhone in an hour or so.

4k video will fill your 64GB iPhone in an hour or so.

I guess not many people care since they’re putting it in an all-encompassing case anyway.

That being said, I still have a naked 5s as my work phone because it’s small, and have been holding out for this device for a while. From 20 feet away, all cell phones look the same, so I could not care less if they added a curve


Not screwed, per se, but still frustrated by the Dealerships who only know how to replace and not repair. I get it. Kinda like GeekSquad: Yes, they could spend a few hours scanning & removing viruses to clean up your PC, but it’s much faster for them to do a system restore or OS reinstall for the same price (or more)

Playing the white devil’s advocate here: How do we know it was a brake check and the driver didn’t just see a police officer or something ahead that triggered a reflex to slow down?

But yea. I’d bet on a brake check too.