Will H

As my brother would say, "that boat must run on hair gel and formula fuck-yea."

Maybe they're just bringing it to a chop-shop?

I agree—reviews aren't stellar. Most seem to be from people who don't understand the physics behind this product, toilets in general, and/or the instructions.

You can get a similar product from Amazon. This is a brilliant concept but it is highly dependent on commode design. Some have lid hinges too close to the rim and many have pressure relief holes in the back of the tank that need to be plugged first.

Obligatory XKCD:

That was my first thought too. After reading more into it, the problem is with the Kalifornia zero-emission standards that require a certain # or % of sales. If they sold it for what it was actually worth, they would not meet this metric.

Prius/any hybrid.

I'm going with The Beast.

So, using my optical disc tray as a cup holder now becomes even more dangerous if I spill. Terrific.

What else would he do with NYU degrees in history and French?

Wait til they pull up Megatron.

I almost said the same, but shiitake "bacon" is as much bacon as tofu is chicken.

One major piece missing from the final rundown: Total hours of labor.

One of my faves.

Thanks! John Hughes' "Weird Science," 1985. Every geek/nerd should see this.

How friendly of you to ask. *cough*

I'm sorry but on semantics alone, if a "botched abortion" means a baby lives, then a "botched execution" should mean the inmate lives.