Will H

Thank you for posting this. I've been using Fram my entire life because my dad did.

My brother had an 89. One of the worst cars I've worked on next to my dad's Chrysler minivan, also an 89 (definitely a correlation).

I average 300 GB/month on Comcast and have yet to get notified of caps or throttling. I also average ~20-30 GB/month on Sprint with no issues.

+1 on that. Forunately the Waze user base is great and growing fast. It has helped me avoid countless traffic fuster-clucks. There are still many unavoidable ones, but I want to kill less people now.

It was surprising to see so many right-hand drive cars.

Amen. "I see what your problem is: You're engine is made of plastic."

Curious what the "spiked" wrench end was used for? Or was it more like a crowbar for leverage?

Charles De Gaulle's 1960 Citroën DS:

Leaving your snow chains on longer than necessary?

My 2 cents: Stay away from the sugar free gummy stuff (I used to know this but had a memory lapse). My girlfriend and I stopped in for a rest stop and quick snack and picked these up on the way to a Dallas wedding. We finished the entire bag on the way, only to finally read the label. It was 4 servings, and had some

Wow. I've gotten Woot items shipped in diaper boxes, but that's interesting.

Bump. Could someone expand on this? I'm genuinely curious. In my case, Houston has been in the 20s the past 2 days, and both my vehicles use 5w-30. What actions should drivers take? I habitually go easy on the throttle for the first 5 minutes of my commute getting out of my neighborhood.

Yes—that appears to be Prime tape sealing the box :)

Dually noted, too lazy to find it earlier from my mobile. :-)

If you're good with a soldering iron, there's an Instructable out there to make this for $10 or so.

Many of the Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike) fraternity houses I've seen have an old fire engine in the yard, usually barely operable. If they arrived, the pledges would be running hoses and have no idea what they were doing. and they would probably pump out cheap grain alcohol, exacerbating the issue at hand. It would make a

I was wondering the same thing. Since this seems to be a passive splitter, it's likely giving 50% of the power from the source device to each plug. I wonder how independent they are?

Or, just get an American Express. They'll know your card has been stolen before you do, void any fraudulent charges, and have a new one in your hand in 24 hours. That was my scenario the 3 times it has happened to me anyway.

Actually, MIT did a study on tin foil hats and found that they actually amplified your brain activity, if I recall correctly. Your brain needs more of a Faraday cage.