Will H

After being TV-less for 2+ years, Comcast finally loured me in to a package. I was paying $65/mo for 12mbps internet. Now I'm paying $70/mo for 50mbps internet and HD basic (doesn't include ESPN—the only channel I'd actually pay for). En lieu of a box, I just got a cableCARD and put it in a SiliconDust tuner.

Local Channels have been encrypted in Houston for a few months. Fortunately, that ~$7 flat antenna gets all the alphabet channels clearly, and actually better than over the wire. I do feel sorry for folks in more rural areas.


Beat me to it!

IIRC, the factory island in Skyfall was indeed based on Hashima, but it was not filmed there. All done with CGI/green screens in studios. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashima_Island#In_popular_culture

Bump. I was almost born in one of those. Then my parents upgraded to the Camry—not as fun as the Corona they say.

Tragic.  But this is the first thing that popped into my head.

Looks like Giz traffic crashed it?

Now playing

I gotta plug the original cattle call (Ok—this isn't the *first*, but it's the best sounding)

*turns it upside-down, checks serial port*

Ahh *this* was the car in "Hobo with a Shotgun"! One of those things I thought about while watching but didn't subsequently JFGI.

Musta been tough to track down *both* Arizona Leaf owners. (Ok, 50, but still shocked there are that many).

After traveling to a few continents, I'm extremely glad our American A/B plugs are smaller compared to the others, even if by just a bit. I wouldn't mind having 220V+ everywhere though.

My dad has the S1500 (http://amzn.com/B001V9LQH0). It's amazing, but a bit pricey. I have an all-in-one Samsung that I get by with @ home, and can fortunately do hi-volume stuff @ work. If I were in the market though, I would probably get the S1300i (http://amzn.com/B008HBFADQ). More affordable, and does duplex

Best top secret gov't van: the GMC EM50 Urban Assault Vehicle. (Ok, it's an RV)

Check out Fujitsu's line. http://amzn.com/B008HBFADQ

Great tutorial on this, and I never woulda thought about the eye-fi card.

This would make for an interesting CarFax report...

Now playing

The song: The neverhood - Rock N' Roll Dixie