William Ham

Same here. I literally gasped at McKean's Spalding Gray. Shame Sandler couldn't do Bogosian for shit.

But Albert Brooks IS making his own animated series. Really. In collaboration with Louis C.K., no less.

Side note: Aykroyd and Belushi quite deliberately did not use the Blues Brothers in sketches - they were credited as musical guests both times they appeared on SNL - as a clever way to retain control of the characters. Had they appeared as part of the show proper, they would have become property of NBC. As "guests,"

And how he starts walking to the living room before being redirected to the bedroom - hilarious capper, improvised by Flaherty.

Oh god yes. The quiet but firm gravity in his delivery of that line contains volumes. Bless those guys for casting Flaherty. He should be working way more often, dammit.

"You cut me off mid-funk!"

I believe the scene was based very closely on Apatow's own experience, right down to the grilled cheese and the Shandling. Pretty accurate in terms of my own adolescence as well, except in my case it was frozen fish filets and Woody Allen movies or Monty Python or REPO MAN or SCTV or…

If I remember correctly, Feig and Apatow would have had her struggle with a bit of a drug problem had a second season happened. Which reads like bog-standard teen TV subject matter, but I trust they would have stuck the landing.

It IS available in its entirety on DVD. Has been for a few years now. Even better, you can get the complete series for around $20 from Amazon (actually, you can't just now - they're out of stock - which I guess helps answer one of the questions Onan the Contrarian asked up there). And one of the last things

And there was a whole third act after that scene that De Palma decided was unnecessary and chopped out, wisely, I believe. Though Schrader was less than thrilled.

Sure, he SAID that - it IS a comedy show and they'd have to frame it as a joke, after all. Could never have gotten away with it otherwise. But he did get to say it, and LD's body language and prickly demeanor from having to stand so close to the guy during the goodnights might be some kind of tipoff as to his actual

I wonder if many people bothered to pay attention to that Trump episode. They watched it, yes, but hardly any of the post-mortems seemed to pick up on what was really going on there. They TRASHED the motherfucker, right to his orange face, and he didn't even realize it. Does anyone really think that "Everything

If "Train in Vain" qualifies, "Superman" certainly does.

Having seen CLASS REUNION, I can tell you that your pun is dishearteningly on-point.


Which was the first produced screenplay written by…

She also essentially played the Jill Talley role for their 2002 tour; she's quite good, actually. I've noticed that some of the more recent Progressive spots (the one where she plays all the members of Flo's family, Eddie-Murphy-in- NUTTY-PROFESSOR-style in particular) are finally putting her chops to some use.

Hey, don't forget Stephanie Courtney, aka Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials! That she was in this show is a happy coincidence, because, really, I came here just to tell you not to forget her. You'll understand why… ALL TOO SOON.

Probably justly afraid of the tenacity of Disney's legal drones. (Do a search for "Air Pirates" if you don't grok the reference - Bobby London and Shary Flenniken, the husband and wife responsible for "Duck" and "Trots" respectively, were caught up in a litigious nightmare that makes Negativland's look like a parking

Definitely a missed opportunity. I once rescued a near-disastrous interview with a testy, monosyllabic Hank R. by tentatively floating the rumor I'd heard that his all-time favorite movie was CADDYSHACK. I've never seen someone's eyes light up as brightly or as quickly. Couldn't shut the guy up for a full hour