William Ham

Putting Murray and Guest in a room with a couple of mics and just turning them loose paid off handsomely every time. The Mr. Rogers bit you cited and the one with Bill as laid-back late-night DJ Mel Brewer and Chris as manic, flamboyant music promo man Ron Fields are immortal.

eBay, my good man, eBay. I've managed to acquire a near-complete set of the first five years and all the key special editions, records, etc. via scrupulous trawling through its pages. (Proudest coup ever: snagging all of 1970 for a grand total of 50 bucks, when the first issue alone tends to go for at least twice

As a ridiculously devout O'Donoghue fan (I think I even made his biographer blanch on a couple of occasions), I feel compelled to say that the "Dog" cover was not his idea, but that of Ed Bluestone, the lesser-heralded Lampooner whose humor tended to be even crueler than O'D's (he wrote things like "How to Tell a Kid

Not that it refutes your claim or anything, but there are three post-SEND numbers on there.

Yeah, it's "search." (Much creepier line, in keeping with the lyrical approach - "Bring on the special guest/A monkey caught stealing" and so on.)

How could ANYBODY hate Bill Murray (ex-wives aside, I guess)? Away wi' the likes o' you. Go away, kid, you bodda me.

She toured with Odenkirk, Cross, Ennis and Posehn on the "Hooray for America" tour back in '02. She's quite talented, and I've noticed that even Progressive's putting her skills to better use in recent ads.

'Tain't what you do, it's the way that you do it. McKinnon's one of those performers with that indefinable quality that really shines out on SNL - the second she appears on camera, it's like a little power surge. I can't figure it out, but she's got it, just like Eddie Murphy, John Belushi, Bill Murray, and Will

Unless it's a different ad you're talking about, that's not Darrell Hammond at the end, it's Chevy Chase. Don Pardo never (or almost never - there may have been one or two exceptions) said "Live from New York."

Which is also a Lennon song.

"Working Class Hero" is a problematic song in certain ways (but then, so many of his best songs are), but I don't doubt his sincerity for a second, and I never thought he cast himself as "working class" in the context of the song (and most of his observations seem pretty accurate to me). There's a bunch of unresolved

Christopher Cerf (who wrote most frequently for Sesame Street[!!]) wrote the music and played piano, Christopher Guest played lead guitar, Melissa Manchester played Yoko at the very end of the track, Tony Hendra channeled Lennon (with a little help from Bob Tischler, the engineer), and the whole concept (by which we

And Hulu.

Yes indeed - I know that to even imply anything positive about that show will get you treated like Sneezy after a flight from Africa, but I'm surprised it didn't even earn a passing mention, especially after he delivered the funniest line reading in the whole series in the second season finale: "My mom won't let me."

Well, if we wanna get technical (and why not? It's both fun and irritating!), "I've Just Seen A Face" is higher-tempo than "Drive My Car" (as in, faster). I like both versions of Rubber Soul, though - it's funny how that one substitution (irrespective of the others) makes them sound like totally different albums. I

Just basic bathos. The Sharpie tumbles into the air, you expect it to turn into a 2001 spaceship in keeping with the other references, but no, it just falls back down and hits Kubrick in the head. The "ow" doesn't mean anything, particularly. If the show were on premium cable, they could have pulled off an awesome

Apostles Creed? So, you're saying it was a stealth Carl Weathers reference! And Willie was just about to get a stew going! It's all connected!

Someone needs a hug!

It definitely gets better as it goes along. Maybe skip ahead to Season 3 - that's when it really starts cooking (they develop a very cool but unimposing narrative structure that enriches the whole project). Out of curiosity - how would you define your "very particular sense of humor"? What kind of sketch comedy do

My Granny was conscripted and forced to play bongos.