William Gibson

Completely. Osmotic, though, so I don’t know until later.

I imagine that that will go about as well as anyone not a zillionaire would think it would.

Flat in Kensington, twice a week to Icelend, happily married, two kids.

I think migration away from equatorial regions is more likely. Something I note we are not currently doing so well with.

Just seems to become more fractally unfamiliar.

Visit first. In winter.

If we kept this up, I imagine, we’d arrive at a single eternal Now of seemingly infinite duration. Good thing? No idea!


Depending on who’s looking, it seems that every time gets to be imagined as someone’s golden age, however ludicrously. Big problem with conservatism, that way.

Not so much. Novelists are only afforded a homeopathic dose of celebrity. Fortunately!

I tend lately to imagine that “pure” AI will less interesting than human-hybrid augmented intelligence. I suspect our concept of AI will one day seem comically culture-bound!

San Francisco, contemporary setting, underside of startup culture, next level AI avatars. Original working title was Tulpagotchi.

It does. The oddest thing about lifelong expatriation is that I don't feel gradually more Canadian, but that the US I was raised in has been gradually vanishing, all these years.

The Phaetons! Easier to sell, might keep one. Note both are in a sense failed products, flops.


Today feels a lot more like the Bridge books than the Sprawl books. Rydell’s wouldn’t even notice a politicians like Trump!

I was about to say smartphones, but much of the simple action of the story would make no sense if the characters had phones. I the charm of all “period” SF, for me, is how it simply must obsolesce!

If the option to effortlessly replace those with the originals were available, why not?

I was sophisticated enough to know that I wasn’t being prescient, at all, but rather was recognizing, around me, early arrivals from whatever the real future might be. The distinction is crucial to being able to do the work, for me.

The Sprawl world is an artifact of the 80s; no mobile phones!